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Elf Update?


  • Member s4reena
    Mabinogi Rep: 620
    Posts: 12
    edited April 24, 2019
    you want a useless skill? DK's Control of Darkness, cant even use it without an item from Tiro, taming is just a better version of it
  • Member THICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,870
    Posts: 790
    edited April 24, 2019
    Copied from the Magic Missile discussion thread:

    We should shift Magic Missile's main focus from straight damage to utility and convenience.

    Option #1: Synergize MM with magic skills

    Magic Missile can become a way to 'shoot' an already-charged bolt or intermediate magic using a bow. Thematically and graphically it would appear like the elf imbues elemental effects into their arrows. The benefits are 1) some extra range on the magic skill, 2) elves can cast int magic with a bow, and 3) maybe some extra effects (like the existing Magic Missile). Magic Missile basically becomes an (elf-only) improvement or add-on to the existing magic system.
  • Member Amaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    Elfs and Humans need something to make them unique again. Giants are set. They got what they needed. Humans can Final Hit and hold lances, cool but maybe give them something special like idk .. attack speed? Their Vision skill is pretty lame compared to elfs and giants.

    The thing about elfs is humans can almost do everything they do and almost do it better. my top example being SUPPORT SHOT. Why does this skill have a faster cool down on humans? Shouldn't that be an elf thing? Mirage Missile is obsolete. There is one moment I have found where it's sort of useful - Lorraine's Nightmare (it slows down the hordes by a significant amount) Outside of that though? MM is quite useless or not even effective on bosses.

    Giants have atlatls and 2handers as 1 handers.
    Humans can hold 2 handers and lances.
    Elfs can hold ..... what? Elfs have no special weapon or subclass.

    Radiant Dawn
  • Member Cho
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 254
    Amaraz wrote: »
    Elfs and Humans need something to make them unique again. Giants are set. They got what they needed. Humans can Final Hit and hold lances, cool but maybe give them something special like idk .. attack speed? Their Vision skill is pretty lame compared to elfs and giants.

    The thing about elfs is humans can almost do everything they do and almost do it better. my top example being SUPPORT SHOT. Why does this skill have a faster cool down on humans? Shouldn't that be an elf thing? Mirage Missile is obsolete. There is one moment I have found where it's sort of useful - Lorraine's Nightmare (it slows down the hordes by a significant amount) Outside of that though? MM is quite useless or not even effective on bosses.

    Giants have atlatls and 2handers as 1 handers.
    Humans can hold 2 handers and lances.
    Elfs can hold ..... what? Elfs have no special weapon or subclass.

    I think Support shot is mainly a human skill. Aim speed seems to be a human thing while damage is for Elves like how Giants have bad Balance but high damage. Aim speed works with normal ranged, support shot, and arrow revolver especially while Elves have lower base aim speed because they shoot twice and the only thing they use it for besides Support Shot is Mirage which usually only needs to be fired once, There's also crossbows which gave humans the boost of being able to run with archery before elves even came out and now those have an aim speed boost since the crossbow revamp. Elves don't get a boost with crossbows besides running with magnum which used to lock you in place, when it loaded, before the revamp.

    Bows have more variation than crossbows though. Short bows are faster for normal ranged but since Elf ranged is bugged, it kills the idea of short bows and final shotting with it. And now there's Fast 2-hit longbows (with damage unlike Wing) like Salvation that make short bows obsolete.
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited April 25, 2019
    Amaraz wrote: »
    Elfs and Humans need something to make them unique again. Giants are set. They got what they needed. Humans can Final Hit and hold lances, cool but maybe give them something special like idk .. attack speed? Their Vision skill is pretty lame compared to elfs and giants.

    The thing about elfs is humans can almost do everything they do and almost do it better. my top example being SUPPORT SHOT. Why does this skill have a faster cool down on humans? Shouldn't that be an elf thing? Mirage Missile is obsolete. There is one moment I have found where it's sort of useful - Lorraine's Nightmare (it slows down the hordes by a significant amount) Outside of that though? MM is quite useless or not even effective on bosses.

    Giants have atlatls and 2handers as 1 handers.
    Humans can hold 2 handers and lances.
    Elfs can hold ..... what? Elfs have no special weapon or subclass.

    We have a 0.5 second cooldown on magnum versus 1.5 for humans. This is not an insignificant difference in gameplay. I cannot emphasize just how large a difference this makes to by far the most spammed skill in an archer's skillset. It is the difference between a modern-day submachine gun and an 18th-century flint musket.

    Like, this makes human archery unusuable to me as someone who has always elfed. You guys have arrow revolver, we have MAGNUM REVOLVER.
  • Member GTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    Elves don't really need buffs beyond maybe some additional exclusive skills for magic. And a buff to their magic missile (should be usable when in FS mode) so that magic doesn't do 30 dmg with a fully decked out wand.
  • Member Nemesis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,005
    Posts: 96
    No one cares about end game elves and giants!

    We, the noob low tier elves, just want to feel good about ourselves with our shitty magnum shots
  • Member Amaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    Amaraz wrote: »
    Elfs and Humans need something to make them unique again. Giants are set. They got what they needed. Humans can Final Hit and hold lances, cool but maybe give them something special like idk .. attack speed? Their Vision skill is pretty lame compared to elfs and giants.

    The thing about elfs is humans can almost do everything they do and almost do it better. my top example being SUPPORT SHOT. Why does this skill have a faster cool down on humans? Shouldn't that be an elf thing? Mirage Missile is obsolete. There is one moment I have found where it's sort of useful - Lorraine's Nightmare (it slows down the hordes by a significant amount) Outside of that though? MM is quite useless or not even effective on bosses.

    Giants have atlatls and 2handers as 1 handers.
    Humans can hold 2 handers and lances.
    Elfs can hold ..... what? Elfs have no special weapon or subclass.

    We have a 0.5 second cooldown on magnum versus 1.5 for humans. This is not an insignificant difference in gameplay. I cannot emphasize just how large a difference this makes to by far the most spammed skill in an archer's skillset. It is the difference between a modern-day submachine gun and an 18th-century flint musket.

    Like, this makes human archery unusuable to me as someone who has always elfed. You guys have arrow revolver, we have MAGNUM REVOLVER.

    lol, Yea you're right. Magnum spam on an elf with Vision is really good. It would be nice to have an attack skill that other races don't have though. I'm not sure why humans even need or have magnum? Do humans even use it much when they use archery? I don't really see humans using archery at all anymore.
  • Member Amaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    Xehalin wrote: »
    I feel like the people that want elf buffs don't understand just how strong Elves really are.

    We do know how strong they are. The thing is, elfs are obviously busted for Guild Wars, but not too much else. I don't see elfs soloing Tech Duinn Elites or many elfs blading in hasi or girg ( I know about 2 or 3 elf bladers who can hold up to snuff with humans and giants in Hasi )

    So yea you're correct, elfs are busted in Guild Wars with their Vision of Ladeca and Mag spam if you gear your elf towards that. I also do believe elfs are really good at most things, but that's me looking at the top elfs in servers. When I see mediocre to mid-range elfs who just wanna take the game casually, they are still struggling to stay alive with 2k HP in an elite shadow mission. C'mon, that's harsh. I can tank on my total level 2,000 giant better than I can my 24k elf (3k hp) sometimes. I'm mostly here supporting the idea for a little buff to elfs and humans because they both feel left behind when it comes to end-game content compared to giants right now. I don't think this new giant update was super necessary (talking to you nexon Devs) I think your motivation is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Giants were already end-game and you gave them another cool thing to work towards. What do humans have to look forward to? Get the same gear every other human has? Boring. The meta for a human and an elf hasn't changed since White and Black Dragon raids came out. Personally I don't like games that force you into a meta (mabi kinda does this) but I like the game regardless. My biggest wish is to see Mabi step away from the meta for each class and offer us things that give each race a breath of fresh air.

    There was talk a while ago of releasing a rapier class and a scythe class. If elfs are the only race able to hold a rapier I think that would be cool, but humans already can do that so that won't happen. If scythes come out, maybe all races can hold them but each race gets a different bonus for it .... I.E. maybe Giants when holding a scythe get an extra charge for a scythe skill, humans might get attack speed and elfs might get an ability to multi-hit, idk just examples.

    Sorry for the rabbit-trails, end rant XD
  • Member Amaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    Elves is just a skill that Giants use.

    Ok but listen. I imagined a giant holding an elf by the legs and spinning the elf around at top speed while the elf shoots arrows.
  • Member Kensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Amaraz wrote: »
    Elves is just a skill that Giants use.

    Ok but listen. I imagined a giant holding an elf by the legs and spinning the elf around at top speed while the elf shoots arrows.

    That is a tank to a whole new level. Can mow their way across the battlefield.
  • Member Amaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    Amaraz wrote: »
    Elves is just a skill that Giants use.

    Ok but listen. I imagined a giant holding an elf by the legs and spinning the elf around at top speed while the elf shoots arrows.

    That is a tank to a whole new level. Can mow their way across the battlefield.

    Spamming spin attack as Link to get rupees from grass.
  • Member Alshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited April 26, 2019
    Elves can tank Elite shadow missions O .o

    With the magic of Dampen shock anything that is not Tech duinn elite, Peaca abyss ghosts and some raid bosses won't kill elves as easy as many assumed now. Of course Elves are still squishy but with dampen shock they can now tank most of the content just fine with 2k+ HP. (End game tho)
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    I am a casual enough elf. The reason I play terribly is that outside a few instances, there aren't many things that can hurt me. With just around 100+ defense and mana shield, I can tank enough in Elite and Lord Missions that getting hit repeatedly isn't an issue, sans magic. With Bachram Boost being a thing, I haven't died in quite some time.

    The greatest boon is divine link, which takes the aggro off of me. With Kokopo and Patrsyche taking the heat off of me, I often avoid getting hit as I kill enemies while they chase my dinosaur around with pitchforks.

    Like really, and I am terribly undergeared.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Attack speed mastery for everyone.
  • Member Pan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    edited April 29, 2019
    It's not easy gearing up a human as people would like to think. Let's break down the costs to become a good FH spammer:

    - Abyss Horns w/ FH 20 cd - 200-250m
    - Creepy/Haunted enchanted accessories w/ max damage lv 3 - 1000m-1500m
    - Saint Guardian (heavy/light) w/ FH 20 duration - 200-300m
    - Any glove w/ combat + sword mastery - 100-150m
    - Fleet feet - 10-20m
    - Erg 50 Divine Blade w/ FH max + max dmg or triple ele 6 - 1.5b to 2b
    - 3 Echostones - 100-200m ea.
    - Totems - requires enormous amounts of time + money
    - Techniques - ???

    There are more, but let's tldr:

    Humans are the most expensive race.

    P.S. This is Alexina server. I can't wait until we all merge! :)
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Pan wrote: »
    It's not easy gearing up a human as people would like to think. Let's break down the costs to become a good FH spammer:

    - Abyss Horns w/ FH 20 cd - 200-250m
    - Creepy/Haunted enchanted accessories w/ max damage lv 3 - 1000m-1500m
    - Saint Guardian (heavy/light) w/ FH 20 duration - 200-300m
    - Any glove w/ combat + sword mastery - 100-150m
    - Fleet feet - 10-20m
    - Erg 50 Divine Blade w/ FH max + max dmg or triple ele 6 - 1.5b to 2b
    - 3 Echostones - 100-200m ea.
    - Totems - requires enormous amounts of time + money
    - Techniques - ???

    There are more, but let's tldr:

    Humans are the most expensive race.

    P.S. This is Alexina server. I can't wait until we all merge! :)

    Oh wow, you can actually make posts that are longer than one sentence.
  • Member Alshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited April 30, 2019
    wow this guy would spend 1500M+?

    Now that is costy, Don't know if your just insane or you met with folks who wanted to milk ya dry.

    I am doing just fine without spending insane amount of gold/money on gear as an elf (not mag spam elf yet) I do content at ease not too bad or too good up till Tech duinn Elite I barely managed to get it done but not impossible.

    You would want to have a mindset to be the very best to want to spend that much time/gold/monies to be crazy strong.
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Alshian wrote: »
    wow this guy would spend 1500M+?

    Now that is costy, Don't know if your just insane or you met with folks who wanted to milk ya dry.

    Just insane troll. Such prices doesn't exist. The priciest item i ever saw was for 500m. And it was Succubus Queen Bodywear lol. Yes, a fashion item.
  • Member Alshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited April 30, 2019
    Greta wrote: »
    Alshian wrote: »
    wow this guy would spend 1500M+?

    Now that is costy, Don't know if your just insane or you met with folks who wanted to milk ya dry.

    Just insane troll. Such prices doesn't exist. The priciest item i ever saw was for 500m. And it was Succubus Queen Bodywear lol. Yes, a fashion item.

    I was to late to edit my post but yea I don't believe spending 1500+ mil in one item, You would either need to have alot of chars for bank and alot of pets for the checks, id find it a hassle to do rounds of trades to give this seller that 1500+mil he is asking for.

    All i ever spend on my gear was just 80mil+

    I still think elves cost more for best single target damage.
This discussion has been closed.