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Server Merge Name Sniping
I thought this issue was important enough to warrant its own thread; when the servers merge, and peoples' names are forcibly changed, it seems reasonable that the original name will then become available.
Hypothetical situation: I am Sorath. I play on Mari. Another Sorath players on Tarlach/Ruairi, but they haven't logged in for four years. My name is changed to Sorath+Mari, their name is changed to Sorath+Tarlach or Sorath+Ruairi, whichever. The name Sorath is now available, as no one has the name any longer, and I have to make a pet or character with that name before someone else does (only to delete it later if/when name changes become available), or they'll have effectively taken from me part of what makes my time on this game unique.
Essentially, because someone very unlikely to play the game again shares my name, I am forced to spend money to safeguard my own name. It seems twisted to me that someone else could become Sorath while I am stuck as Sorath+Mari.
My hope is that either the original name becomes unavailable when the condition of someone having Name+Server apply, or that new characters will become Name+Nao.
It's so disgusting that people are already planning to be spiteful just because they're feeling left out.
Actually THAT is a brilliant idea. They can keep it that way until they release name change coupons. Then after a week of that character creation can be re-enabled again.
This will only work if they have plans to release name change coupons soon after the merge. I hope that's what they have planned. If not I have purchased a cheapo lizard pet that I will create immediately upon the servers going live. I will not lose my name that I have been using for 11 years to some childish troll.
@Katherz please pass this onto the team. We will be able to avoid these vicious trollers from doing this kind of damage.
Sorry, sorry, it relaxes me to let out my inner violent self against acceptable targets. I mean, I do not really know if I would if I were able to without legal impunity, but how do I explain it...
It's like punching a punching bag for me, except verbally.
Note: Before anyone mentions it, yes, I am receiving professional help.
We could have name reservation page, where people from those 3 server that are effected by merge can reserve their names in new servers. All new character creations should be disabled until everyone gets their reserved names. (It is possible, they have done it in other region) There should be limit to avoid exploits, like having cumulative level restriction.
This is my own idea: It should have 2 phases. In phase 1, people get to reserve name that they already have.(For example, you only get to reserve the name Potato if you already have Potato in Mari/Tarlarch/Ruairi) If same name get claimed twice...well first come first serve.
In phase 2, people get to reserve w/e remaining leftovers. (This way we can prevent impersonator taking your name)
Of course this does not solve name conflict between duplicates that are active... but I think it will solve most of them, hopefully. I think the chance of people's duplicates still playing to this date are rare. At least there will be a lot of good names available, since all the duplicates get server tags.
+For those who will be effected by duplicates in other servers, we're probably going to get free name change coupon.
Really high, in fact. I have the same character names on all 4 servers. And not just one set of characters, 2 different character names that were repeated in this way. A total of 8 characters between the 4 servers that will collide with each other. One set was clones of my main built in the same style so I could play with friends on a familiar skillset and playstyle, the other set long ago worked the farms in Tailtean on each channel to farm gold so I could have nice things.
So now, not only am I going to not only risk losing my name outright, but I am also going to have characters that I probably won't ever use again. Alts that were built the same way as my main, so that I could visit with friends on other servers yet still feel at home with a familiar play style.
The only hope I can see of redeeming this is to look at when a character was used last and what their total level is, then give out the name change items in waves based on that. So a high level character that has been in game every day for weeks is going to be 1st in line, while a character under level 1000 that is only used a couple of times a year doesn't get their name change until 3 months out.
Trying to make the items purchasable or allowing them to be obtained any other way is going to result in trolls abusing the system to perform name sniping, and make a lot of good players miserable for a long period of time while a griefer gets a few weeks of drama and amusement.
The name change items shouldn't become available for purchase until a couple of months after the airdrop. That way everyone who had a beloved character name they wanted to keep has the best chance of getting it back, prioritized by how active they are and how long they've played.
I mentioned it as being low chance because a lot of original names were taken when servers opened up (name hoarding, it happens in almost every single mmos) and by now a lot of them wouldn't even play anymore, or lost the character info.
I do agree that there should be a way to have priority over your name so it won't be get taken away by trolls and people who wanna make quick profit out of this situation.
Some of them are, frankly. Honestly I had to leave the discord yesterday because of the massive level of toxicity that was going around from ALL the servers. Like one person who was deliberately trolling those on Alexina BECAUSE some of the players mocked the others for being smaller servers? I wasn't even really aware of it, outside that a couple people did it. I didn't think there were that many trash-talking trolls, but I guess that's not really a surprise, knowing some people...
Good gods though, I think I'm going to avoid it until this is over XP Got enough stress in my life without all that to drag what's left of my mood down!
Good thing i rarely see a point to engage myself in Discord servers... I have it, i'm in it, but i'm mainly lurking or just somewhere else.
I'd be okay with that, and I started playing the moment the game went live.
I want to be able to get rid of that tag eventually. It's going to look tacky.
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Are you saying you're broken?
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Since Alexina was left out, I'm heartbroken. :P
The funny thing is, I generally lurk, I just take a look around when things actually happen or I'm dead bored and brain don't wanna do anything else. Like the 12hr maintenance and then this.
Only this turned into a brush-fire instead of mindless memes. Not quite as entertaining to watch.
Man on that day there was a lot of sour players. Knowing that players from Alexina always gloated that they have the biggest server and that they didn't care that everyone was flocking to them. That they are the master race and bunch of other childish bs. They didn't care that the other severs were suffering. They would blatantly discourage players from going to the other servers. We all know who they are in these forums. We saw it every time there was a what server should I go to thread? They would swoop in and piss on everyone else. You know it! We all saw it! Pissed a lot of people off including me.
I even got flak from Kadalyn who is part of the wiki staff (and from Alexina). I said "this is poetic justice" for all the bs that those players would troll us with in these forums! She put a ban hammer reaction on that comment in discord. That's not bleeping professional! This whole situation has brought out the ugly in EVERYONE.
I can not wait for this be done and over with.
Honestly, given Alexina's track record of being total douchebags for YEARS to everyone. I don't want them merged with us. Sue me for saying that. I don't care. I am just going to be truthful about this. I don't want to deal with a bunch of rotten children. EVERYONE knows that this is the truth! I can pull up dozens of examples on here where they were complete asshats on these forums and in discord in the past.
And I know for a FACT that many players from Alexina never wanted to merge because they considered themselves the superior server. I'm glad that the tables have turned. I can assure you when this is done, we won't do what you guys did. I believe that we're better than that. /rant
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Sending a server to higher inactivity and a swifter death is karma? Cool beans.
Every server has jerks. Using that as a reason to exclude other servers from being merged is useless, given how the other 3 servers have their own stigmas about how mean spirited players are.
Buffalos you've been part of these forums for many years just as I have. You also saw all that toxic bs whenever there was one of those threads on here. I just wanted to put that out there because it's true. I am absolutely sick of all this crap.
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