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Brand new idea to go along with the homestead overall updates! Imagine your guild hall having the ability to be decorated similarly to a homestead. New items could be released to set the scene: couches, tables, rugs, plants, fireplaces, a butler that serves food, windows, columns, wall banners, ect.
It would also be cool if you could expand your guild hall using Guild Points much like how we use Kon to expand homesteads. Guilds don't really have anything to spend GP on anymore especially if they aren't participating in guild wars (which is a huge majority of the server since only two guilds can hold the towns).
Even adding features that festia offers to go in guild halls would be cool too. Mini-games to play with your members and chill out. If you guys think of any more ideas to go along with this, please feel free to add more to my idea here. I would love to see this thing happen!
and 6 others.
Also, guilds should be allowed to make it's own quests and events and hand them out to members.
That and guild money.
We need an actual use from the guild hall aside from a quick warp to Rath/Stone
It start off as a max lvl HS size, and then every day, guild members can contribute a daily limit of their own homestead stones to work toward expanding the area. For example, lvl 1->2 requires 5,000 Homestead stones, with a daily limit of 5/person. that means it would take a minimum of 1000 deposits. These numbers can change based on the size of the guild to level the playing field for smaller guilds.
The formula could be:
(# of Guild Members x 35) + (2,000 for every guild below 10 members)
Meaning it would take about 7 days if EVERYONE in the guild donated every day for those 7 days, assuming that the guild has more than 10 members.
As for creating items, I feel like they should be able to be created just like any other HS item. For example, Anvils can be crafted using the traditional HS anvil crafting requirements. However, to balance their wide availability, it should be 2x the crafting materials or a 10 pon fee. The item can be accessed by the whole guild, making it more valuable than any regular HS item that only you and your friends can use.
Also, allow the usage of HS seed kits in the Guild hall. However, you need 2 HS seed kits (The little leaf thing) to craft 1 of the respective item. For example, if I want to place 1 Fir Tree, I need 2 fir tree seed kits.
You can also just directly make the item (Ex. Fir tree) but it requires 6 HS stones instead of 3.
Just an idea to help balance things out and encourage guilds to actually work on the guild hall over time instead of just buying everything. Kinda ruins the fun when you can just buy a bunch of seeds and mass grow them. Instead, this encourages the guild to work together to improve the guild space in a collaborative way.
Anyways, this was a long idea, maybe a little too wild, but I tried :^)
I like it! As some folks have suggested, maybe there can be antechambers to the hall which can be upgraded like homestead house, whose effect apply to the guild at large. Someone mentioned a guild receptionist, have that with programmable keyword and answers, by the guild leader, and allow the guild leader to apply Nao gift clothes to said receptionist.
Helsa0151 of Alexina
You forgot your IGN and server of residence! >}:^{D> Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!