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[UPDATE] Connous Beach Vacation is back!
A shame they weren't the "Extremely Strong" variety of Meditation Potion, since the Martini effect would always get removed from something like Nowhere to Run/Gatekeeper Elite runs.
Martinis are for AFK
Payment is still payment.
Yeah, but Elite Baltane gets you to 150, which is the limit for Martinis. Once you reach it, the Martini's effects dissipate, even if the 3 day duration wasn't up.
If they were like the Extremely Strong variant of Meditation Potions, they would last all the way to level 200.
The usefulness of Meditation Potions is debatable already, with their very long wait times before granting any EXP at all, but the strongest variety is about the only one to bother with.
Unfortunately, the Martini is just a reskin of the Super Strong Meditation Potion, which is one step below Extremely Strong. Such a shame!
You know what? I agree. They have yet to update the VIP services and compensate the players for that sale last year.
Mine expired like 5 months ago.
They're reused content from the watermelon mini-game event, but they didn't reuse the mini-game for the event so I believe they're just decor.
Mabi logic FTW!
(Trade assistant imp ate it)
Today IS 22nd August, right?
Yeah, according to Katherz on the discord, only the Drink Hut was extended. This is going to annoy so many people especially since there was no sort of notice that this was the only part being extended in the maintenance notice. -_-
Yes it is. Event extended through tomorrow.
Only the Drink Hut though.
Yes, and Katherz added the late post on the maint thread.
That and the Discord is where I got said info.
There isn't?
Hey uh. Today IS past "Through tomorrow", right?