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Kinda makes it super easy to peg who is using illicit program to fish doesn't it..
Um... No?
It's only Day 2 and my record is already 284 cm, which is really close and i'm sure i'll get mine until event ends.
Unless, you are in Nao then i have no idea how bad is there. Alexina only have 10 players who managed to fish up 300 cm or bigger. Biggest so far is 309 cm.
Really? smhlol.
You get a quest which asks you to fish up 300 cm. And the reward for completing the quest is a title "Fishing Savant".
"This is Emain — MACHA!"
Get fishing to r1 and find a second title for fishing or/and Adonis set and you are good to go.
It's pretty likely that anyone wearing a nishida or ice-fisher title already has rank1 fishing and hence catch bigger fish
Okay, thanks. I know one of the NPCs seems to imply where you fish matters, so maybe there are "sweet spots"?
I've mastered fishing and my biggest is 228cm after 700 bait, mind you I'm not wearing any of my fancy-shmancy fishing titles and I'm using a regular fishing rod; maybe I'll give those a try.
It would be quite important to wear a fishing title if you want to hit 300+. Without a title, it would be impossible with autofishing alone due to the 90% size multiplier penalty.
I've been using a Shenon one that "Increases Automatic Fishing Success" and "Increases Chance to Catch Bigger Fish" but I also have Anastasia/Re:Zero (Which only gives Automatic Fishing Success) and Ice Fisher (Same as Shenon apparently)
You have to admit, with these type of events, things do seem a bit...fishy.
Huh, so it isn't just that smell!
Protip: spam norm reforge on fishing rods till U get desired effect.
Not only does it increase size but pretty much made rank1 fishing "never" fail for me. Never failed once yet so it could be true.
It's a fact.
It is? Icy.