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The Event Burn Is Real

Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
Posts: 61
edited November 16, 2019 in General Chat
So are we just not going to get breaks in-between events anymore? I mean... I'm not complaining because we get a new trans medal, but I am seriously at my limit. Ever since the dreaded "summer of grind" this year it has just been event after event with some of them even overlapping. It's not like they're easy events either... the RNG grind on this one is real. I had to spend around 50 minutes yesterday just farming eggs and potatoes before the game blessed me with the right materials.

I'm not saying events are bad... I'm just saying it's too much for me to keep up with anymore. It's not exciting for me to see a new grind fest after I just got done with the last one. I know people are going to say I don't have to participate.... and that's just what I might do. It's too much, I'm too tired of getting on every single day and doing the exact same thing with no breaks. It's just become so exhausting lately.

Edit: I'm not making this to rant by the way, or complain about this specific event in particular. I just want to see if there are other people also feeling burnt out and I'm not going crazy. This is more just on events in general, and the amount of dedication and time they require.
DraechKagaGretaxSho76SherriWolfsingerRadiant DawnDuskwindCygnix


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited November 16, 2019
    I'm skipping this event. It's just a trans medal and also I have eweca tools already. So yeah, skipping. Just skip dude.
    KaarospawcalypseRadiant Dawn
  • FreakoutcastFreakoutcast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 61
    Crims wrote: »
    I'm skipping this event. It's just a trans medal and also I have eweca tools already. So yeah, skipping. Just skip dude.

    I wish I could, but trans medals are the one thing I care about in this game above all else. I'm not sure if they will be tradeable, and if they are there's no saying how many will actually be sold considering how tedious this event is.
  • PumpkinRioPumpkinRio
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 67
    I looooove events but I'm skipping this one, it didn't really catch my interest. I would say just skip it.
    KaarosRadiant Dawn
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    I'm only doing this one for the medal as well.
  • SakiAngelSakiAngel
    Mabinogi Rep: 455
    Posts: 17
    I'm just doing to while I'm on for the login event if I finish I finish if not I don't care really I'll just end up selling the metal if I do I'm not really into them.

    As for the event after event thing, I just got back from about a 2-year break so that hasn't really hit me but I can say from experience that it gets old fast when you're trying to keep up with events when you have them one after another without a gap...sure you can skip be usually for me I start feeling like what if I need/want so and so later or what if those items will catch my a nice price in the future it use to get me every time back before I quit for a while nowadays I just don't think I care to be honest.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    The main reason I do Events is in order to clear the Quest out of my Quests-Tab, and, also, for the purpose of clearing the Quests out of my Quest-Tab.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    I have no problem with constant events. Free stuff, keep 'em coming. What would you do if there was no event? Not log in? In that case there might as well be an event. Maybe, if there was no event, you'd play the main game itself? No one is stopping you now so go ahead.
  • KaarosKaaros
    Mabinogi Rep: 980
    Posts: 43
    I am admittedly skipping this one besides the log in. Too much of a slog.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Helsa wrote: »
    I have no problem with constant events. Free stuff, keep 'em coming. What would you do if there was no event? Not log in? In that case there might as well be an event. Maybe, if there was no event, you'd play the main game itself? No one is stopping you now so go ahead.

    If there was no event, maybe i would have energy and more time to do some other stuff like finish damn G23 and such.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Greta wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    I have no problem with constant events. Free stuff, keep 'em coming. What would you do if there was no event? Not log in? In that case there might as well be an event. Maybe, if there was no event, you'd play the main game itself? No one is stopping you now so go ahead.

    If there was no event, maybe i would have energy and more time to do some other stuff like finish damn G23 and such.

    That's on you Greta. On us. More variety of things to do with our time isn't bad for the player, or even the person. That's how real life works too.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited November 18, 2019
    So I somehow ended up lucking out today... wandered around and all of the Petite Potatoes and Double-Yolked Eggs were already upon the ground for me to pick up in enough quantities to last for both today and tomorrow (and possibly the next day). I did have to find Roaming Roasters to cook afterwards but their drop-rates are high enough. For the first time in a long while though I actually did run out of Large Nails which I usually have a fairly large stock of in order to do that Daily Quest for that NPC in Port Cobh who asks for Large Nails.

    I think it is possible to save a lot of time doing this event if you just circle around DunB on every channel if my theory is correct that Petite Potatoes and Double-Yolked Eggs will just randomly pop up without needing to use a Hoe or touch a Chicken/Hen (assuming that it's not just other Milletians leaving them on the ground or forgetting to pick them up where the ingredients just don't disappear quickly like most normal objects). The last couple of days only took me like five minutes each to complete (possibly ten at the most depending on the accuracy of my sense-of-time).
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    Habimaru wrote: »
    So I somehow ended up lucking out today... wandered around and all of the Petite Potatoes and Double-Yolked Eggs were already upon the ground for me to pick up in enough quantities to last for both today and tomorrow (and possibly the next day). I did have to find Roaming Roasters to cook afterwards but their drop-rates are high enough. For the first time in a long while though I actually did run out of Large Nails which I usually have a fairly large stock of in order to do that Daily Quest for that NPC in Port Cobh who asks for Large Nails.

    I think it is possible to save a lot of time doing this event if you just circle around DunB on every channel if my theory is correct that Petite Potatoes and Double-Yolked Eggs will just randomly pop up without needing to use a Hoe or touch a Chicken/Hen (assuming that it's not just other Milletians leaving them on the ground or forgetting to pick them up where the ingredients just don't disappear quickly like most normal objects). The last couple of days only took me like five minutes each to complete (possibly ten at the most depending on the accuracy of my sense-of-time).

    I don't think the items spontaneously generate. I think it's folks dropping extras on the ground. I recall finding like one double yolk egg on the ground and feeling on top of the world for it; good for you! You can't store those things up though, they get wiped when the new event earth day starts. Mind you I haven't tested if just staying logged in will preserve them. When the day changes, maybe go to some remote spot with no one around. Drop the stuff on the ground, do a channel toggle, pick it up, and smugly feel insufferably proud of yourself? Maybe that'll work?
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    I see, well, that really ruffles my feathers (not that I have any). Even the extra Turkey that I Roasted was removed from my Inventory !
    Not really going to be able to get too much done in the Erinn-world for a while due to off-line obligations though.
    At least I still have a way to somewhat semi-AFK through this event when I bother to complete its dailies.
    Helsa wrote: »
    Habimaru wrote: »
    So I somehow ended up lucking out today... wandered around and all of the Petite Potatoes and Double-Yolked Eggs were already upon the ground for me to pick up in enough quantities to last for both today and tomorrow (and possibly the next day). I did have to find Roaming Roasters to cook afterwards but their drop-rates are high enough. For the first time in a long while though I actually did run out of Large Nails which I usually have a fairly large stock of in order to do that Daily Quest for that NPC in Port Cobh who asks for Large Nails.

    I think it is possible to save a lot of time doing this event if you just circle around DunB on every channel if my theory is correct that Petite Potatoes and Double-Yolked Eggs will just randomly pop up without needing to use a Hoe or touch a Chicken/Hen (assuming that it's not just other Milletians leaving them on the ground or forgetting to pick them up where the ingredients just don't disappear quickly like most normal objects). The last couple of days only took me like five minutes each to complete (possibly ten at the most depending on the accuracy of my sense-of-time).

    I don't think the items spontaneously generate. I think it's folks dropping extras on the ground. I recall finding like one double yolk egg on the ground and feeling on top of the world for it; good for you! You can't store those things up though, they get wiped when the new event earth day starts. Mind you I haven't tested if just staying logged in will preserve them. When the day changes, maybe go to some remote spot with no one around. Drop the stuff on the ground, do a channel toggle, pick it up, and smugly feel insufferably proud of yourself? Maybe that'll work?
  • ZarricZarric
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,510
    Posts: 84
    This event is pretty low effort to do, so I don't mind it really. Though I don't really get burnt out on having events like this, since it's literally 10 minutes or less and done for the day. Initial collection for like 2 weeks of nails and wood took a little time, but that wasn't long either.

    The event potatoes and eggs though do not just appear, they were gathered by someone else.
    You can't hoard leftovers sadly, as they will disappear when the dailies reset and you can't stay online and get the quest. You have to channel change/log off to get the quest again, thus removing leftovers.

    You also can not drop the event items, so they must be gathered daily, with the exception of the uncooked turkey. You can save a few of those if you want, but they take room for each one, and I usually have 2 on me when I get done.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    Habimaru wrote: »
    I see, well, that really ruffles my feathers (not that I have any). Even the extra Turkey that I Roasted was removed from my Inventory !
    Not really going to be able to get too much done in the Erinn-world for a while due to off-line obligations though.
    At least I still have a way to somewhat semi-AFK through this event when I bother to complete its dailies.
    Helsa wrote: »
    Habimaru wrote: »
    So I somehow ended up lucking out today... wandered around and all of the Petite Potatoes and Double-Yolked Eggs were already upon the ground for me to pick up in enough quantities to last for both today and tomorrow (and possibly the next day). I did have to find Roaming Roasters to cook afterwards but their drop-rates are high enough. For the first time in a long while though I actually did run out of Large Nails which I usually have a fairly large stock of in order to do that Daily Quest for that NPC in Port Cobh who asks for Large Nails.

    I think it is possible to save a lot of time doing this event if you just circle around DunB on every channel if my theory is correct that Petite Potatoes and Double-Yolked Eggs will just randomly pop up without needing to use a Hoe or touch a Chicken/Hen (assuming that it's not just other Milletians leaving them on the ground or forgetting to pick them up where the ingredients just don't disappear quickly like most normal objects). The last couple of days only took me like five minutes each to complete (possibly ten at the most depending on the accuracy of my sense-of-time).

    I don't think the items spontaneously generate. I think it's folks dropping extras on the ground. I recall finding like one double yolk egg on the ground and feeling on top of the world for it; good for you! You can't store those things up though, they get wiped when the new event earth day starts. Mind you I haven't tested if just staying logged in will preserve them. When the day changes, maybe go to some remote spot with no one around. Drop the stuff on the ground, do a channel toggle, pick it up, and smugly feel insufferably proud of yourself? Maybe that'll work?

    It gets worse. the suggestion I made won't work since you can't drop the items, you must destroy them. So, any found on the ground were not picked up in the first place. But your suggestion to cycle through the channels looking for potential drops is still a very good one.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I agree but at the same time, gimmie that Christmas event! Woot! (Holiday Math! Holiday Math Holida--)
  • HarukariHarukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,570
    Posts: 836
    Hard pass on this new event.

    I'm more interested in shadow mission event. Even though it's slowly killing me :D
  • SheenaSheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    edited November 21, 2019

    The real problem that i see with most of the events is that the devs think that we have 6+ hours to play video games (or AFK) after being done with work and finally getting home around 8-10 PM
    WolfsingerSherriRadiant DawnpawcalypseGreta
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Sheena wrote: »

    The real problem that i see with most of the events is that the devs think that we have 6+ hours to play video games (or AFK) after being done with work and finally getting home around 8-10 PM

  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 498
    edited November 21, 2019
    Sheena wrote: »

    The real problem that i see with most of the events is that the devs think that we have 6+ hours to play video games (or AFK) after being done with work and finally getting home around 8-10 PM


    Some phone games are like this; after a couple of weeks of having to log in constantly just to "clock-in", it felt like a chore and less of a game. I just installed a few of them that were totally not worth the time. Mabinogi events can be like a chore sometimes...