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Then i want to see punishment on players who uses summoning urns on afk players.
well reaper should get fixed when ever they finally get to it and for summoning urns what they could do is remove urns able to summon monsters when they stop selling it so when you use it all you get is a item and no monsters
I'll be looking forward to the day when I see that in patch notes.
Behe-Blackrobe those whoinsu-wish to do 3x damage for free at 5% rate."Calling for punishing players for Devcat's incompetence is a new low for this forum. Go post in the bug reports forum and send support tickets if you want something done instead of wasting your time calling for the crucifixion of players JUST PLAYING THE GAME. People always whine that Mabi is a """dead game""" and I assure you there is no better way to LEGITIMATELY kill off a game than pushing for the punishment of players doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG because they SUFFER from a bug with a 5% chance to happen for DARING to use one of the BIGGEST DAMAGE BONUSES IN THE GAME.
This is insanity.
Getting flamed in the forums again? =P