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*gasps* ...ANOTHER Habi-Thread...! (SEO for Mabi)
I don’t see how what I did deserves this level of condemnation.
Besides, I have a main of level 20k and years of history. If this was true, this ruse would have to be going on for well over half a decade.
Doubtful. One clearly thinks with the big head while the other . . . . well you know.
Um, not blacklisted anymore, and I tend to keep to myself these days. I help people out here and there mainly within my friends list and the Lost guild that I am a part of. I also made my amends with enemies a long time ago. Occasionally people try to get me involved in drama but when that happens I just shrug. I will spectate and eat popcorn though. Heh.
Also I spend like maybe $10-30 on this game a month, sometimes not even. I will be more than happy to show you my transaction history. https://imgur.com/a/ebhfi1N Edit - ok I may have underestimated a little bit. But I am certainly not no whale. lol.
You're just ignorantly lashing out at this point. Who are you going to attack next to try and get the one up on? In these particular forums I am going to advise you to think before you assume anything about anyone here. Because that's all you are doing and it never ends well in these forums.
It's time to stop being an asshat.
I hate admitting that but it's a fact of the game unfortunately. MabiIn2k19 bashing on the whales that SUPPORT this game is just yet another ignorant statement from him.
I did my bit in this department. During the pre-Duncan skill reset years, I spent a few hundred bucks on skill resets.
what are you talking about?
Since you're bent on arguing facts, there's no such thing as capped average, you're either average, or capped. He's missing almost 500 int, that's a lot. He just barely breaks 450 with blue upgrades, again pretty low. As for what I said to crims, that's not really an insult either, just stating facts and that it's tiring to be lectured about understanding social situations, by someone who is blocked by large parts of the community.
Pretty much. Its like talking to a wall.
Well I guess "pretty low" is enough for Phantasm then.
Since, as you seem to have forgotten, your "pretty low" remark was to make it sound impossible for phantasm clearing use.
When in reality, such is more than enough for handling even the Skelemancers alone. Quite the average wouldn't you say?
After all, an average should be an example of a standard still capable of clearing content that everyone defaults to without any other outside factors.
500 Int isn't very much on a MA level, literally any long term magic user understands that equipment is the deciding factor.
You are literally saying that his MA is low because he is missing roughly 10-15 MA.
The actual way to reach the MA you see as "high" is through enchants and titles.
Since you seem unaware of this factor, I now doubt your abilities compared to your claims.
Like I said with the original topic's answer, the thing stopping Habi wasn't even his Int or Magic attack.
It was that he wasn't using something besides magic. Against Fiends. The anti magic enemy.
...Now this topic is pretty much off rails entirely over this back and forth from a previous topic.
All 15 people using these forums RIP.
I'm not bashing whales, I'm bashing you, and you just happen to be a whale. If you're bringing popcorn bring some seasonings for it plain popcorn tastes like styrofoam
He's missing close to 500 int
So almost 100 MA. Go ahead and doubt my abilities all you want, but you might want to touch up on your own knowledge. A few things to note as well
1. He originally said "almost cleared the whole first floor" which lead me to believe he did more than the first few rooms which don't even have phantasm mobs yet, and on top of that it was a nerfed version because he was in mirror.
2. Without using a pet, and stats that are capped average it's not very believable he almost finished the first floor, which constitutes 90% of the dungeon.
3. I was talking about this part "You know, when the phantasm breaker that uses guns and chains tried to call off your phantasm claims but you only looked at the "uses guns and chains" part and dismissed it as a form of moveset imagination." where did this come from?
But Mabiln, by your standards that is still a low amount!
Its almost like I brought up an intentionally incorrect amount to force you to counter it to be on the same page.
An extra 100, by your own talk, would still leave him "low".
However, the issue here is that he doesn't have another 500 Int to actually get by normal standards.
This would imply 1900 Int, which like most stats past 1700, would not only take effort to reach, but also require absolute perfection. (The only viable way past the 1700 CAP is with Echostones, which only go up to 130 if perfected 100%. This leaves the highest general Int to be 1830.)
If absolute perfection is what counts as "average" these days, then I'm afraid everyone is very weak. Even you.
And even then....
Except I technically did pretty much all of phantasm. With less MA in use..
Only unlike him, I had the factor of "uses talent besides magic" to help steamroll everything. You know, the thing that he needs.
Ghost Hallway still most annoying gimmick of the dungeon, of course.
On top of that, "almost clearing first floor" with just magic is in itself impressive considering the extreme limitations of such, especially "without a pet". But this just gives me the impression he either doesn't have link or doesn't know how to dodge roars. RIP I guess.
Come now Mabiln, look at your own post history.
But to answer the info that wasn't present directly there, I actually met in game the particular person you brushed off for defending Habi.
Turns out they are a phantasm breaker, a rather experienced one at that. They knew what they were talking about and well...
You just brushed them off in a huff, paying no mind since they didn't agree with you.
So congrats.
Well you got me there, the handful of us do agree with that statement. lol. Doesn't negate the fact that you are being an asshat.
How am I whale? wat.
It's pretty synonymous with either low effort trolling or a low IQ on any forum board.
Oh and I guess I'll comment on the Shooter+Chain meme, that's pretty viable for phantasm if you've got a combo card for Spinning Slasher -> Shooting Rush (x3) and bothered to get dan 3 Shooting Rush + SR dmg 20 reforge boots + erg 50 gun for cooldown reduction, ego gun would be useful for 20% on crit SR cd reset and instant reload. Though I'd sooner use Ninja+Chain since Shurikens scale higher than guns (str+will/4 vs str+int/5) but if you pay for gear slot you could combine the 3 for a pretty effective AoE combo of Spinning Slasher -> Kunai Storm -> Shooting Rush.
If we're talking no combo card and a clean gun though I'd probably just skip on it and chain sweep, use the other slot for a sword to bash/FH/FS with, its just phantasm though once you have high def/prot its free.
I also brushed that person aside because they were annoying, not because of their abilities in game or their choice of weapon. Such a meta breaker, using chains those are pretty bad after all. Habi's posts read like an interview with a conspiracy theorist, and if you read over his post history and I mean this in the least offensive way, he really doesn't seem mentally stable, yet the other person jumped in without knowing anything at all and started preaching a moral high ground, and then also decided to bash anyone who likes to follow meta. Take this however you want, there's no content in mabi that's hard right now because we've been power creeped to the point that you can take 1's in even some of the elite tech missions, minus feth.
Edit: @Crim an ex whale then. Also the mods of the forums really don't care and it seems they only show up if they'd had a bad day and want to flex power over the remaining 15 people here.
Except this was meant to be in regards to an average, Lute. (Especially since this is in regards to a "missing" 500 Int when Habi has 1400~ Int, meaning the actual missing amount is roughly 200 at best since he clearly can't summon all of eweca where he is.)
Sorry, but trying to talk about the max potential in regards to such isn't that helpful.
Its called an average because it should be where the average player ends up.
Is the average, normal player going to have over 1000 MA? No. No they aren't. The "Average" range is 300-600. High is 600-800.
Reaching 1000 isn't the average. Its where you start entering the sky high numbers. Peak magic main status, pretty much.
But I'll let you go on with the whole "lol just get absolute perfection" argument since you clearly don't want that view shattered.
Oh silly Mabiln, you just didn't get it did you?
That formula is common knowledge, I just had to make you point out an amount that went overboard. I could have easily just said 50-80 since such is a lot more realistic to actual int gains, since the actual missing int is roughly 200 for him.
But then I thought, why not have you point it out yourself and be once again incorrect?
Of course, you wouldn't be capable of comprehending such a tactic existing considering you went straight for the low hanging fruit of imagining rage so you could get the local popcorn eater to ride your back. They must be rather entertained by this back and forth.
Oh yes, just brush aside everyone because they are "annoying". And yet, you choose to continue going after Habi. When you can just ignore his topics considering everyone else is also just as capable of pointing out his flaws without resorting to incorrect information, insults, etc.
The Breaker also wasn't even denouncing the meta, but rather the mentality you have been proving to me this entire back and forth.
The mentality of "Max everything or nothing". The unrealistic, laughable mentality of people who just blindly follow word of mouth and what-if examples instead of actually taking action themselves. Often causing incorrect or unreasonably useless additions to already working strategies without trying it out themselves. Do we still see extremely amazing strategies come out of places like KR? Yes. Is that going to be the norm for the entire playerbase here? No. Heck no. The issue with such is people praising or making claims over what is "meta" while having no real experience themselves. There are those who only look at theoretical math and those that find what is usable and make use of it.
In other words, its the "word of mouth" style of incorrect information being praised a bit too much, when the people running everything are instead out getting experience with gear and content and finding stuff outside of what is praised. That works just as well.
"Forgetting what is normal for the sake of chasing that which is borderline unobtainable."
And there lies the kicker. The person in question literally said they also make the mistake of unintentionally looking down on people.
That doesn't sound like acting like they have the high ground does it?
Of course you would know this if you. You know...
Actually read all of people's posts.
But alas, such is the way of the forums, is it not?
I am a little surprised to see this thread still going, honestly. I expected it to be locked days ago...
It was in response to you talking about a "1700 int cap" followed by the mention of a "100% perfect 130 int echostone", if we're talking about perfect echostones we may as well be talking about max Shine of Eweca bonus because it's a hell of a lot easier to grind to 40k than get a perfect rolled echostone.
I don't personally care what Habi's character's int is or isn't only correcting the claim of a 1700 int cap followed by mention of the near impossible rng of a 130 echostone.
Did you miss the part where I mentioned using Hailstorm in phantasm myself in the post? But moreso the "if you pay enough~gacha only~temp buff" and most importantly "by that standard", I didn't say that was MY standard chill lol
Maybe you misunderstood that I argued in favor of the combo and not against it, presenting a case for it being viable for a reasonably fast run when properly equipped.
If you want to talk about how I run phantasm personally though, I don't have my gun erg 50 yet because I'm working on my knuckle right now so I definitely don't bother putting on a gun and stand around waiting on cooldowns, I don't really bother with Spinning Slasher unless Stampede is on cooldown when I need to gather mobs, chain in general is just slow and requires thinking about dorcha.
Really I don't put much thought or effort into phantasm I primarily just Full Swing, and Final Strike when it's on cooldown, I have a Wind Guard cooldown 20 helm, Final Strike cooldown 19 helm, Wind Guard duration 20 gauntlets, and Final Strike duration 20 armor so Wind Guard has a 70 second duration and 50 second downtime, Final Strike has a 70 second duration and 56 second downtime, so I can just alternate the two and puke damage on everything and not actually care because nothing in phantasm does more than 1 damage to me sans poison succubus which is negated by antidote potions and pegasus summons, wraith roar is ignorable by being mounted when it procs, divine link isn't really needed for the bulk of the run although good for the orb ring room.
I guess that's the real HIGH END META GAMEPLAY, making your character strong enough and dump gold on pre-reforged items from auction to the point you don't have to think about gameplay and just watch killstream vods on your other monitor and glance over at the black hole simulations running on your workstation on the third once in a while lol.
Sure I can talk complex strategies and skill chains and put them into play all day, but at the end of the day Mabinogi is an easy game that doesn't REALLY require much thought, so no I don't use Spinning Slash+Shooting Rush in phantasm personally, even if I have Shooting Rush damage 20 boots in my gear bag, it isn't really worth putting them in the slot that has my Full Swing Exclusive Weapon range 19 boots because it's simply more efficient for me to just play brain dead and puke dps on all the mobs while they bounce against the wall I Stampede them into. I don't pay for VIP, I don't pay for extra gear slots, I don't buy reforges or really anything from the cash shop and I only got an event perma combo card on my Elf not my Giant, so yes even though the fastest possible HIGH END META phantasm run right now is puppet+flame burst, I just Full Swing and Final Strike cause thats what I already got reforges for and I don't need combo cards for them, it gets the job done in good time still and I don't have to put much effort in.
Clearly something about the wording caused me to misread then.
In which case I apologize. Happens to the best of us.
Although grinding to 40k being easier than grinding out an echostone I would call subjective.
Mostly because I sure do enjoy running Sidhe compared to the timesink of leveling. Or goldsink if we talk rebirth pots.
One really only needs total 20k+ to get Shine of Eweca stats that are viable anyway. Anything after that is just a matter of having skills complete for the major stats themselves.
As well as leveling to 200/50 on a proper talent and age choice depending on stat focus. And Race.