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Hello there, i have questions

Mabinogi Rep: 100
Posts: 4
in General Chat
hello guys, i've never played mabinogi so im not sure whats to be expected from my side, never really even heard of mabinogi till a couple of days ago my girlfriend told me his brother was playing this anime-like game so here I am.

Anyway, i'm a freak when it comes to downloading new games, I HATE BEING LOST!

So whats mabinogi all about? I love deep awesome rewards from doing pve runs/pvp.

Commerce, crafting!

A small overview, and also class builds.

Sorry the forums aren't helpful, havent seen any new players asking anything, is the game alive and well? is it so-so?



  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,500
    Posts: 394
    edited February 6, 2017
    Welcome to Mabinogi where you can build anything. There is no class....only talents. Most if not all the skills are available once you obtain them.

    If you're looking for specific skills to level up to get out of the way before you become too powerful and the training becomes really grindy then there are other guides to help with that. If not...then whatever really goes.

    You might want to post in the "Help" section. There is a lot of useful resources there and in the "Guides" as well on how to start out and what to do if you get stuck.

    *edit* Mabinogi Nexon NA just changed to a new forum and look so most of the contents are lacking and ppl are still catching up slowly.

    I would really suggest starting out with these few fun video's
  • MissDevichiMissDevichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 625
    Posts: 59
    Do what you want, brah. Build stats, rank skills, craft junk, stand around like a statue, whatever man.
    Pvp doesn't give you anything 'cept braggin' rights. You can try out skill sets if you're under 1k total level -- they let you switch around your talent.

    Close Combat is good to have regardless of what you do.
    Arhcery will make you cry.
    Alchemy is meh.
    Magic is lame in the beginning, but it gets better.
    Probably shouldn't start with Bard, but Lullaby sure make things easy.
    Fighter is nice to start I guess.
    Puppets, Guns, Ninja needs a little more stat points to be good.

    You can follow the quests they give you in the beginnin or just do the generation quests for awhile if you really want something structured to do.
    Wink wonk.
  • GanJaaazGanJaaaz
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 4
    hmm okay, so is the game worth it? i tend to sink in at least a month even if the game sucks, i've played so many good games with a bad early game that i've learned to give them all a try, but lately this hasnt been like that, AAA game that well, simply suck.

    Is Mabinogi worth my while guys?
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,500
    Posts: 394
    The quests do get overwhelming at times, but make sure you do all the main quests so you can obtain your skills for free and learn about them. Otherwise it becomes pretty painful in the wallet to try and get them at the price of some patience.

    There are main story-lines and side stories just like any other game, if you find some too difficult to can put it off and try later when you're stronger. There is a lot of information to take in as a beginner especially with all the revamps they placed to help the game be more beginner friendly.

    The servers are not too crowded like they used to be in the past but there's still a good amount of population to obtain help...problem is time zones. So expect a lot of space.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,775
    Posts: 1,310
    mabinogi is still alive on Alexina server. tons of story content to get through and we get events every month. you might want to try warrior first if your going to use a lot of close combat and it will help you learn some basic combat skills. ninja is a excellent talent to pick after you get warrior skills up as ninja boosts strength and hp stats. the community is mostly afk or silent but over time you will likely meet very helpful players and friends. just don't rush your talents and take lots of time to explore and enjoy the game cause nothing happens fast in mabi. getting strong takes a lot of time and effort but that is one of the best things about this game. mabinogi really makes us work for what we have building our characters from nothing which is better then a mmo you can get half way through in a day.
  • GanJaaazGanJaaaz
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 4
    Okay, I kinda dislike close combat hehe, gonna try archery or mage.

    If anyone wants to start a new character with me, or is a new player i would be really grateful to play together with someone, I live in Venezuela but I speak proper english & spanish (duh!) just incase you would want to skype or use discord while we play. Private msg if someone is interested hehe.

    My internet blows so it would have to be later today because i'm barely downloading the game just now.

  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,500
    Posts: 394
    edited February 6, 2017
    GanJaaaz wrote: »
    hmm okay, so is the game worth it? i tend to sink in at least a month even if the game sucks, i've played so many good games with a bad early game that i've learned to give them all a try, but lately this hasnt been like that, AAA game that well, simply suck.

    Is Mabinogi worth my while guys?

    You don't have to sink any money into the game, hence the free part. There are times where they give out valuable mounts and pets, but you have to grind the quests for them. At the moment they have aesthetics for the homestead which is a plot of land that you custom design yourself and an decorate and afk or hang out on. For now they give you a few pets with no inventory and when you finish the beginner quest you get a special broom pet. I think that has inventory as well. Another is when you get to some of the main storyline quests.....the ones they call "Irias Saga" you can obtain a Pegasus pet and that has inventory space for you to use.

    This game will become one that you will always come back to unless something major happens. Most players always come back to this game for whatever reason.

    Mari server is the oldest server and I think Alexina is the more recent. As for population wise....I'm not sure since a lot of ppl log on and off and don't really stay around less there's a good event going on.
  • DaktaroDaktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    GanJaaaz wrote: »
    Okay, I kinda dislike close combat hehe, gonna try archery or mage.

    imo you should train combat at the same time as either of those cuz when a mob gets up in your face then what
    or at least windmill yep yep yep

    as a newb i trained combat and ninja at the same time so can use ninja for range and aoes/crowd control and also combat skills with a shuriken. but thats cuz elf so cant dual wield as a better alternative.

    in regard to OP there's pros and cons to mabi but it's a really unique game in that you can do whatever you want aside from race restrictions. there's also SO MUCH to do it's gonna be ages before you run out unless you like rank your skills with money instead of time or something. the game is alive but not as alive as it was in the past.
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,500
    Posts: 394
    edited February 6, 2017
    Daktaro wrote: »
    GanJaaaz wrote: »
    Okay, I kinda dislike close combat hehe, gonna try archery or mage.

    imo you should train combat at the same time as either of those cuz when a mob gets up in your face then what
    or at least windmill yep yep yep

    as a newb i trained combat and ninja at the same time so can use ninja for range and aoes/crowd control and also combat skills with a shuriken. but thats cuz elf so cant dual wield as a better alternative.

    I think what he's trying to say is.....
    In this will have to go back and rank everything you didn't anyways. It's just easier in the combat field to have that handful of close combat. Most of the combat in this game requires a little bit of every skill tree.....mostly the basics of close combat/magic you will most likely always use.
  • FrahaleahFrahaleah
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 245
    edited February 6, 2017
    There's also a reddit thread on the subject.

    It may have been written 2 years ago, but seems to still be relevant to a degree.
    The Tagalong is the poster's joke about the Adventurer talent, and summoner is just a gag.
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,500
    Posts: 394
    As always you can check the wiki for the more basic information. Most people rely one it regardless.

    If you go to the Mabinogi website there is a "Guide" section and it drops down sub sections Beginners Guide, Getting Started and Advanced Guide these will help as well as the pictures.

    As Frahaleah mentioned...what's one without a reddit. You have many options of searching to find information.

    Welcome Mellitian to the wonderful world of Mabinogi
  • GanJaaazGanJaaaz
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 4
    Awesome information guys, thanks so far. Hopefully Mabinogi will be a good game, i'm sure that with so many good replies with little to no negativity im gonna have a good time here.

    Thanks! any other information you guys might want to share let me know.
  • KororeKorore
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 667
    edited February 6, 2017
    I just wanted to say welcome to Mabinogi!

    If I could share one piece of advice, it's that don't feel you're doing anything "wrong", because every skill you rank up contributes to your stats, and one day, those skills will be ranked up by you anyway. You also have daily rebirths as a beginner, so you will have plenty of AP to spend.

    Most importantly, have fun!!
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,450
    Posts: 2,516
    edited February 6, 2017
    Try to get Windmill ranked to 1 as soon as possible. Due to the Combat Power requirement, it can be difficult to rank later on XD.
  • DreadhawkDreadhawk
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,525
    Posts: 104
    Don't be afraid to ask people for help. There is a LOT to do in this game and a LOT that you won't be capable of doing in the beginning.

    If you are going to buy things from houses or the markets, make sure to shop around for better prices, see what the steals are, etc. Easy money can be made from buying cheap training pots and reselling them, so that can get you on your feet pretty quickly. Once you get used to the general prices of things you can apply that to other things as well, dyes, materials, some outfits, etc.

    I don't recommend trying to enchant your own equipment, but everything you do will be a learning experience so if you want to avoid interaction with other people until you absolutely need it, that works too. :)
  • KouyioueKouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,030
    Posts: 443
    edited February 6, 2017
    You know how MMO's traditionally give you fractional gold amounts and all of the NPC shop prices always sell useless items that cost more gold than you could ever earn in a year of constant playing? Mabinogi isn't one of them.
    A single dungeon run or even hunting random animals here and there is enough to get a handful of outfits or equipment(money wise) :)

    This game also tends to split story-based stuff into episodes each rife with cutscenes. Each with their own skippable ending credits that can all mostly be done in a single day(each), or half of a day. Even casual play can be memorable. (((I only mention this because the nine other MMOs that I experimented with tend to just have the same overarching story from level 1 alllllll the way to level 60, in such a rushjob manner that you end up skipping all of the dialogue because it's just too darn long and forgettable.)))

    Aside from main missions, which are very sparse, and you will run out of important missions to run: You might want friends to keep yourself company in the mean time
  • scorpin99scorpin99
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,180
    Posts: 22
    On the lore perspective, the game is based on celtic/gaelic lore, what I've heard is its based on the Mabinogion, deriving its characters and some story from it. The game is fun, I myself have played since 2009, and while a lot of the mechanics has changed, the core of it is still stuck to its original. even when I take breaks from the game, I'm drawn back. It can be really fun, especially when you find other players and just hang out or play music or just run dungeons and talk. That's where most of my memories from me are.

    Typically ranking skills is pretty easy, though some skills/talents are grindy, mainly life talents but it get the thought that you're perfecting your craft. It will take a while but you will definitely see improvement in places, it took me a while but its kinda a neat realization when you can do things you couldn't do before.

    If you choose alexina ill be willing to help when I'm on, my character is scorpin in game.
  • SollSoll
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,330
    Posts: 145
    Hi! Also, if you want another beginner guide, i'd say to look at this one:

    Mabibeats is also a place for bards ingame to make (and post) their MML works, if playing music in-game ever gets your fancy! The in-game Bard Board isn't as useful as it should be imo
    As long as you're civil and don't steal/claim that what someone composed is your own, you're always welcome to take your pick!

    On the topic of Generations (aka the storyline of this game),even if it is really tempting, at least finish the first 3 generations before starting Saga. You'll understand things more that way. And idk if you'll still get the Crusader storyline, but hold off on that until you've done every other story before. This is more endgame.

    For pets, there usually is events that can give you some with decent inventory space. You don't HAVE to spend money on this game at all if you wish.

    If you choose to play on Ruairi i'll be willing to help as well, Soll222 is my main ingame.

    And most importantly: Have fun playing this game. Don't try to stick to what's ''the fad'' or ''the best gear super eva''. Just do things at your pace and how you like it. That's how you enjoy this game to the fullest. People have been and are still playing this game for years, and there's always something to do if you set your mind on it.

    Welcome to mabinogi!
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    edited February 6, 2017
    Most MMOs are a 100-yard sprint to the endgame fun. Mabinogi is not most MMOs. It is a triple marathon by comparison and the fun is in the journey. The player base has dwindled so much because most people who've hit the limit got bored and quit. Those who can't find the resolve to walk away from their investment AFK away months at a time waiting for new stuff to move the goalposts, so they can have another week or two of fun.

    Speaking of which, I can't recommend starting on any server but Alexina; the player base on the other three has withered away to maybe 10% of what it used to be in the game's glory days. Mabinogi may be in its twilight years, but for new players there's still fun to be had and fond memories to be made.
  • FrahaleahFrahaleah
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 245
    Shaeli wrote: »
    Most MMOs are a 100-yard sprint to the endgame fun. Mabinogi is not most MMOs. It is a triple marathon by comparison and the fun is in the journey. The player base has dwindled so much because most people who've hit the limit got bored and quit. Those who can't find the resolve to walk away from their investment AFK away months at a time waiting for new stuff to move the goalposts, so they can have another week or two of fun.

    Speaking of which, I can't recommend starting on any server but Alexina; the player base on the other three has withered away to maybe 10% of what it used to be in the game's glory days. Mabinogi may be in its twilight years, but for new players there's still fun to be had and fond memories to be made.

    Actually, the playerbase on Ruairi is decent, there are a few afkers around. Would help more if they allowed us to use all 4 servers with some restrictions, like not being able to sell stuff in the other 3 servers.