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Nao Server Maint again???
Ugh same. I logged on and all the progress with my friend and I had been wiped from the Soulmate screen once again. That is twice now, personally!
I wouldn't be surprised if my Soulmate progress is wiped again, it would be the 4th time I think?
I wish instead of flight compensation they'd just extend the danged event smh
I'm not sure. I was waiting in the character menu for Nao to come back up and I suddenly got kicked out..
2nd time for me
quote from another person
"Event does not need to be extended. You have a whole month of doki doki. It takes one day to get 100% by spamming the boombox or 3 days of AFKing/being around your soulmate."
i dont know what is talking about, but i am interested in give it a try
It'd be cool to get an extension on the event bc that means more time to obtain other prizes as well as dyes.
I wish theyd do better at compensation lately, it hasnt been great getting any of these rollbacks or wipeouts. Even a double rainbow event or x2 AP weekend would suffice for me.
The greed is real. My god...
The asking for an event extension part I think is reasonable, the rest can be debated.
Yea don't show off your inner Nexon LilFox, I think extension is reasonable enough.
I'm not saying it wasn't enough of a compensation, just the time and care lost to many over the system kinda sucked. That's all *shrug* but bringing focus back to things, my main post wasn't just about the Doki Doki event, it got sidetracked into that. Just about all the crashes and surprise maints in general, going back over the last few months.