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Every skillset has that "one skill"
Again with the new mining spot in Tory Ravine its faster to not use metal conversion and just go mine iron.
Cool, I'll have to try those spots out sometime, thanks. For the higher ranks of refining though, with metal conversion you can convert lesser ores into higher ones, rather than throwing lower ranked ores on the ground and keep mining for the specific higher ones you need.
But among the worst are a lot of the life skills. Most of them you train up and they're just not even worth anything other than a few extra stats. How many people here use blacksmithing or tailoring? Or regularly use wine-making?
The main problem I have is that my CP is through the roof and all the skills that require CP level training have gotten annoying to train. I never trained archery or alchemy and those are among the only two talents I really have left to train.
Can't make use of shock since it won't work, raincast, or many alch skills, but its not just alch skills there are a few that were good crowd control that were restricted.
Game has lots of garbage useless skills though, every skillset except Chain needs revamped with an emphasis on every skill actually having a use.
Maybe because it doesn't work on a lot of enemies.
Like Golems.
Or Adv Heavies.
Or whatever the game doesn't feel like letting you bind.
And with an extra 0.5 second with stun time, else how can you explain shuriken's normal attack? It just means ninja is the better duel gunner.
And "bullet storm" should of been AOE damage surrounding the player instead of just infront.
As for my own opinion "Way of the gun" should of been a bit similar to "Bash" where you need to keep attacking to keep the timer from reaching zero but instead of resetting the timer, it only would pause the timer by 0.5 second and failure to keep attacking will cause the timer to continue.
It sounds like something to...wine about, huh?
Oh there you go again weaving more puns and milking it for every post. You are always fishing for or tailoring or catering conversations just so you can charge right in to them and Strike Gold. Puns are considered the lowest form of comedy. You should try refining your sense of humour, otherwsie people will end up Bashing you and you'll be tasting their ire if you don't give it a rest. This may come as a shock to you but I know you don't intend to create any dischord, and you can't help it when read something and like a lightning bolt you get an inspiration but take a moment of respite and meditation before you compose a humourous quip. I'm saying this with a giving heart and not as a wounding soul.
PS I left you plenty of skills to work with
Maybe this will finally shut Bliss lool.
You see Bliss at least Kenny is trying.
Not betting on that
It's mostly not about how hard it is to train a skill. It's also how it's useless compared to your effort you put on it to train just for the sake of making your all skills r1.
Oh on that topic, I'm not sure how many updates away it is, but KR Mabi has that new talent that, as well as the new skills that the talent is actually about, includes Hillwen Engineering, Rare Mineralogy, Shyllien Ecology, and Magic Craft.
So at the very least Magic Craft can be half as grindy as it is normally just by virtue of it finally getting included in a talent.
Yeah I know. Don't care though I'm already dan 3 + titles in those ._.