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Not even 5 minutes and someone got the legend weap
how to piss off your player base 101
I also don't think this is the way to go about making divine weapons more "obtainable". Been gathering materials somewhat successfully for a Divine Blade and now they're just slapping it into someone's hands lol
You don’t know what the lucky Chanel is until the event has started. If you change channel, you will NOT be getting that legendary weapon. It’s rubbish from the start. You don’t even have a cool down period before the event starts. The space you need to fit in is tiny. Not to mention, they like to make it hard to know what is happening just from the announcements.
Not that I wanted the item anyways.
Also the one who won in Alexina was the 5th one in queue, so that's not even full two minutes.
I think I've had enough of this event.
The way the system works is indeed a raffle. When the item goes up a number has already been selected. Rather than going through ALL the numbers someone just has to get the lucky number. Once the player with the lucky number that has already been selected goes up the raffle is over. This potentially saves everyone time.
The system is fair and it works. What isn't fair is all the alts.
Then this is a nonissue.
Hope you get better soon.
Botinogi wins again
You have to get your ticket from the npc first and then afk on the carpet. But don't afk too long or you might miss out on being able to get another ticket after yours is called.
That divine blade is going to have soooooooooooooo many alts it's going to crash everyone.
guess this event is useless for me then with my current schedule
Better chances for winning that
«Legendary Toilet-Paper»...ahem... I mean... Divine Hand-Out.