So yesterday, I read about the Japari Bus pet in the announcement, right before maintenance ended. I saw the buff skill the pet has, and the movement speed and damage buffs certainly sounded overpowered. And the Combat Exp +100% certainly caught my eye.
Well, the pet description was certainly written a little awkwardly; do you get the buff for 10 minutes upon riding the pet, or do you get the buff after riding the pet for 10 minutes? Huh?
But after asking people who bought it, I understood it was a skill that you activated, and then the buff was applied for 10 minutes.
I could already see my training efficiency in the Baltane missions being improved by the combat exp buff. And the other buffs were certainly very interesting for running things in general.
So I bought it.
Then, later that evening, I was about to enter Sidhe with my guild, and I realized the buff was off. So I tried to activate it.
50 minutes cooldown.
Wait what? The pet description said NOTHING about a cooldown for the buff. Let alone such a significant cooldown.
Sure, the buff was so strong, it might require some limitation. But not without ANNOUNCING it in the pet description. And 50 minutes is overdoing it.
Suddenly, I was regretting my decision of buying this seemingly overpowered pet. Sure, it sounded great, but with the massive cooldown? Not so much.
There are usually warnings on labels of goods, like "Batteries not included." for electronics. Well, digital goods are goods, and they still require such warnings on them.
Especially when the warning should be about something that makes part of the buff almost useless. Getting 10 minutes of +100% combat experience isn't nothing, but when you thought you'd get +100% combat experience as long as you activate the skill... Well, it's just not the same thing. You're certainly not buying what they're advertising.
I am severely disappointed in this pet just because of the cooldown. Had I known of the cooldown, I would not have bought it. But now it's too late and Nexon has my money. And I don't have the product I bought. I have something else completely.
Anyway, I just wanted to rant and know the opinion of other players. I'm sure there are other people who were not expecting a cooldown after using the buff and were just as disappointed as I was.
And also, the buff was the only major selling point of the pet. Sure, the inventory space is nice, but don't we already have tons of inventory space through pets, bags, pets, bank tabs and other pets? And now, its selling point isn't as described.
Also, I had to rewrite this post because while I was writing and seeing "draft saved", the website decided to disconnect me and reloaded the page. Thanks, Nexon. And no, there was no draft saved.
"This active skill buffs all players who are riding the Japari Bus for 10 minutes. A buff effect cooldown prevents cumulative stacking of the buff."
There are other pet buffs that have cooldowns, like the Phoenix's Auto-Revive, and the Li'l Hopper's Damage Reflection buff, so at least the Bus's buff skill having a cooldown isn't alone in that respect.
Still, sorry to hear that you're regretting getting it after the fact. Maybe you'll get used to working around the cooldown, it's still a pretty neat buff even if it's only 10 minutes every hour.
this new Japari Bus pet can carry 7 players which is kind of nice since the only other largest mount the Food Truck pet can only carry 4 players. I think carrying 7 players could be very useful depending on what group activity you are trying to do. there have been times when I would use my warp imp to get to Tir Na Nog and pick up friends at Avon in a Food Truck pet and I had to make a second trip cause the Food Truck was just a seat or two to small to take everyone. overall I feel this pet was worth around 15k NX out of the 18k NX it costs as it is a little pricey. but we are still getting lots of items from this event including useful inventory bags that can be obtained for free so I don't have any major complaints.
Their ambiguity is legendary.
Well what I think about the bus "pet" we have here instead of the special skill that buffs the player(s)&boost speed when moving, but that "pet" has the most mounts/seats of any "pets" there is over the Food Truck's seats, but still something that's there's something missing for the bus "pet" is it lacks a passenger seat next to the driver or the owner's seat; so if it has that then the bus will have 8 total players can fit there.
Now that would certainly be a fun thread to create to come up with all of the different types of words for Power-Hyper-Dimensional-Boosting...
50 minutes is nothing, in the grand scheme of things, and with how strong the buff is, of course it'll have a cooldown. Does what is essentially a permanent 24/7 combat experience buff make sense to you? They could have advertised it better, but honestly...
Some people are so ready to jump on Nexon for the most insignificant bull that it trivializes the more legitimate complaint.
Ah gah da buzz, huh . . . Mmm Mmm
Ah gah da buz, hah . . . heh AYE
Da funkeh buzz, uhn . . .kenyudigit
Get own da buzz . . . fo RAYE
Goan crozz da tahn, yeh . . . hoo AH
Goan crozz da tahn, uhn . . . gi'dahn
Dem weez own da buzz . . . HUAH
Go Rahn n RAHN
Hey Helsa the jousting finals video maker, I was saying the bus "pet" should have a passenger seat next to the owner's seat with the 6 seats behind the that said owner that makes 8 players could fit the ride; then it will be a full party!
Nothing about this pet is ripping people off.
To you know how broken it would be if you could use the buff every so often after the 10 minutes are up?
50 minute cool down is perfectly reasonable for the amount of stats it gives.
Which I think most of us reading here are missing?
Personally, I just buy pets to collect them, andddd that 7 seat capacity I was drooling over.
If it's any consolation to the OP -- One day, you will reach skill cap/master titles/infinite level/somuchAPyoudon'thaveanythingtouseiton without the pet anyway. Then, when that day comes, you can just only login once in a while to check your friends list, shops, or AH OR maybe talk yourself into grinding even can't remember why you /should/ grind. Yeah.. tbh, that pet in the grand scheme of things won't end up being what you are most frustrated about. *pat pat*
P.s. I'm still waiting on them to uncap the rest of our skills please? Evasion could use some love so could mana shield.
Edit: This does not work. Don't waste your money on trying it. (See other people's comments below.)
Not quite how it works. The cooldown is a status effect applied to the players who received the bonus, not a cooldown on the skill itself.
I think she said that on purpose as sarcasm. The laughing emote on the end proves it. I guess not everyone are born with sense for sarcasm lol.
I don't care if it was sarcasm or not. There may be people who genuinely misunderstand how it works and think of doing exactly this. That's why I'm clarifying.