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Sooo G1 has voice acting now?
Soooo this is a thing now, I guess it’s time to send my portfolio for a role *hopeful wishing*.

I like the bell ringing in the original as well.
Hee, I haven't completed the Dark Knight quest so I still can visit him whenever.
this is still a step in the right direction though, we already have tons of story content that could easily keep most new players busy for over a year. it may be difficult to do but I am glad to see the earlier parts of mabi finally getting improved. when this update come over here it would be nice if have a option to choose if we hear English voices or the original Korean voices for these characters.
I will dub Mari for free.
That one pirate event had voice as well as the partner.
Actually I'm all for it if they give me a redo for the journal accomplishment devcat screwed us verteran players out of by allowing us to skip. We thought we could do so without any repercussions but basically got the middle finger when they introduced the journal.
this is why they should let us choose between the English dub voices and the original Korean when we get this update. dubbed voices can sound great or just awful so even if a few of the English dub voices sound horrible players will still have the Korean voices to enjoy.
We may possibly be on our way to a full scale update. This may just be the beginning.
I wonder if this'll eventually happen to old items.
Will the humble Popo Skirt one day not be so... box-chested.
I knew of an app game that let people choose between japanese and english voices, it was pretty neat that I actually liked the japanese voices because if you didn't look at the character talking you would have no idea what they just said to you.