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Going to have to make do with your loss sadly. A real shame...be more careful next time to avoid this happening again and a warning for those willing to do what the OP did.
I doubt that the type of people that skip patch notes and the type that read forums for advice prior to acting have much overlap.
Well, I mean they could but the 'will' part is a lot less likely.
At least there's a *chance*, even if it ain't so good of one.
I don't see why they wouldnt help, and if there really is THAT many people making the same mistake then I think they should make a better warning for it
If recovery is possible, it would be done in one of two ways: either they just give you a brand new pet of the same type, or IF THEY HAVE HISTORICAL BACK-UPS OF THE DATABASE, they can restore your pet, it's name, it's level of development, and it's inventory contents, from said back-up. If they can do the latter, fantastic, BUT if your pet gets truly deleted then it's name would be available. So, what happens if someone makes a new pet with the same name THEN you request a pet restoration from back-up? You can't get the name back. What happens then? Yet another reason for Nexon to implement record number as primary key rather than name with server of residence.
There was warning enough though. Fynn Sync, no matter how you look at it, is like merging. You have your main ingredient then the sub ingredients which would obviously be lost during the merging. There was even instructions in the "?" mark so you could know what you were doing.
It is too bad that you lost the pet, but I dont feel like they are OBLIGED to recover it. You live, you learn. You read the instructions.
It is an interesting mechanic to delete your pet completely but like I said there probably won't be many people making the same mistake so I'm sure they wouldnt mind helping. There is a reason why they ask you at what time the incident happened because they can go back in logs on your account and check what happened. It is not that hard, but we will see how they respond to my ticket
Whether it's restoring your dog or them giving you another corgi whistle.
Though at the very least, your base pet got the corgi's large inventory added onto it.
Yeah, not much consolation, but it's there...
Definitely be careful in the future.
Any pets absorbed by the main pet during the Fynn Sync process are GONE FOR GOOD.
Holy crap! If this is a situation where you MUST lose a pet or not move forward, the I guess it's bye bye free eagle (with no inventory), since I actully do use the free horse quite a bit but the eagle almost never.
As a man who knew what people would do is to lie.
So lets say someone did what OP did and messed up but what if folks would lie about it? And managed to get away with it? Sure its unlikely but they are only human so of course there will be errors one way or another from 1 out of 100 would likely get away with it.
The warnings are enough, its haste is what cost ya to make mistakes. So yea...If they had to help every person who made the same mistake, its not a matter of not enough warnings but rather its telling how crippled the playerbase could of been for making hasty decisions over the same issues causing MORE issues.
You have to see it from both sides to see another story, another theory of possibilities because I of all people knew what Humans are like because I AM one.
So now my overly analysis personality is shown yet again over something that could of been too easy to avoid if you only had been cautious while taking your time.
Man I am triggered :U
So unless they restore the weapon but losing ALL of its enchants and reforge along with the steps on it, then its fine by me. Sucks yes but then this could give them a lesson to be more careful and discourage likely exploiting the support service using lies.
I believe for the purposes of ranking up Fynn Sync, Fynn Mastery, and the Elemental thingies and whatnot, you're meant to use Fynni Catching to obtain Fynni Gems, blossom them using Fynni Blossoming to obtain Fynni Pet Whistles, use those whistles to obtain a Fynni Pet and use THOSE as sacrifices.
It's generally a cycle of Fynni Catching -> Fynni Blossoming -> Fynn Sync
Though since you need Cosmos Perfume to even perform Fynn Sync you'll probably have to not use a lot of your Fynni Pet Whistles and instead sell them to Fionnait the deer in Mag Mell in order to obtain Gold-Leaf Pine Cones to buy Cosmos Extract from her shop and use it with Fynn Crafting in order to make the perfume.
But the only time you'll NEED to use actual pets and not Fynni Pets, is if you want to either:
1) Add a pet's inventory to another pet (where it functions like a bag/separate window)
or 2) Add a pet's summon time to another pet (where it adds up to 23 hours 59 minutes)
Fynni pets don't have inventories and don't carry over their summon time, so they're purely for powering up a pet's Fynn Mastery and Elemental skills. (and of course to give you fodder to use to train Fynn Sync yourself)
Good to hear you got your corgi back!
Edit for typos
I also appreciate the courtesy of the recovery, and of them saying that it's one-time (it might not be, but if systems or policy changes in the future, they're not liable, plus then people may just spam sync and ask for recover instead of doing the math ahead of time lmao).