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Closed Weekly UGC Highlights February 11 and 12
Hello Milletians!
Here is our first official submission thread for the Weekly UGC Highlights! Please just post your entries here while following the instructions from the
main thread! You will have until February 10th at 12 PM Pacific to submit anything you created that you wish to have highlighted on our Facebook or Pinterest.
Thank you and good luck
Credit :
cosplay made by me (Celebrendal)
cosplay designed by : rumiiya inspired of languhiris/lance feather armor from mabinogi
photo by Jonathan Caponi
Edditing by: Mary-Ève Grégoire Photo - xwickedgames cosplay
Facebook page : https://facebook.com/Celebrendal/?fref=ts
Tumblr : http://celebrendal.tumblr.com/
Starry Wizard Clay figure.
Server: Ruairi
IGN: Stolias
Deviantart Page: http://rustyqrow.deviantart.com/
Took me little over half a day to make this thing. Still one of my best creations.
Server: Mari
Ign: Zeneeba
IGN: bobo
Server: Mari
Youtube Page: https://youtube.com/user/mabiBOBO
So we have basically stone skin knuckles with stalagmite like stone spikes off the arms and shoulders, cracking here and there and even the knuckles of the hands have little hard pointed rock pieces. Then in between the stalagmite on the forearms on each side is the alchemy cylinder barrels. Since knuckle weapons make gloves and gauntlets not show regardless of the knuckle or glove sizes, I figured mind as well have knuckles that go all the way up your arm. I've designed a few things over the years but out of all of em, this the one I probably would want in the game more then the others. That and maybe dragon wings and tails combinations. Welp here are the sketches.
Server: Mari
IGN: Kibasurion
Combination of all those fun title themes. Made so the songs flow into each other.
IGN: Alaia
Server: Alexina
Youtube Page:
Character reference sheet I drew for my Mabinogi character in one of her favorite outfits and some of her most used weapons.
IGN: Okamixdimsum
Server: Tarlach
My art tumblr @sleeping-wolves