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Nothing can express my utmost play to win fury right now...
4 I
2 Casual Suits - White
9 Free Repair Kits (for different types)
2 Caravan Joe Tea Tables
3 Caravan Joe Kotatsus
3 Name/Chat Color Change Potions
1 Preschool Hat (totally white - with the symbol in old gold)
6 Buff Potions
2 Party Phoenix Feathers
13 Gems
1 Speed Walk Potion
1 Special High Speed Gathering Potion
1 Police Officer Uniform (M)
1 Police Officer Boots (F)
1 Preschool Uniform
No Carasek Bag Coupon ;_;
Wow.. I'm really starting to lose hope in myself for this event.. this is sad.. :c
I've been trying since the beginning of the event and my friend already gave up.
I'm trying not to myself.. but this is getting annoying Dx
I'm at the point now where if I miss an hour on the dot, I just go "meh, just another box without carasek missed".
Pretty much my life right now.
This event sucks more than I thought it would.
But eh, same old thing for a majority of every event.
But yeah! Don't lose hope :C Keep spamming those tickets and you will probably get lucky eventually!
You don't need the wiki for this one, just follow the joes opposite of the meter.
What does this mean? Aren't they all over the place? Also you get more tickets if you keep the Joes out of the correct answer box.
On the top right is a meter showing you which amount of joes are on the wrong answer, follow the opposite amount and you get free tickets.