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Hey guys! And Welcome to my Animated Pixel Chibis shop~!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3o
Paypal Link:
https://www.paypal.me/korikoandthomas I'll post the sketch here and ask if you want anything changed, payment will be due when the sketch is approved.
Base Price: 5 mil or $10
Blinking Animation: +200k or $1
Changing Facial Expression: +300k or $2
Small Background Animation (ie. Music Notes, Feathers etc): +2mil or $5
Body Movement Animation (ie. Tail/Ear twitching, Wing flapping, Head moving): +5mil or $10
All Animations will be a combined price. FOR EXAMPLE, Blinking Animation and a Facial Expression Change will be $3. ($1+$2)
EXAMPLES:WHAT I WILL DRAW:o Mabinogi Characters
o Fanart
o OCs
o Other MMO Characters
WHAT I WON'T DRAW:o Multiple Characters
o Mechs
o Furries
CONTACT INFO:Alexina Server: Riuie
Character Reference: (Please no text! Drawings or Screenshots only)
Character Traits:
Pose Reference:
Payment Option:
Character Reference: Link (Note: Could you not put reflective light in her eyes? Gotta live up to her name ehehehe)
Character Traits: Sleepy, stoic, easily bored, grumpy
Pose Reference: Link
Animation?: Maybe could you have her sighing?
And yes, I can definitely do sighing for her animation~ Would you like her with her jacket or without?
Also what type of payment did you want to do?
Here's the sketch! Tell me if anything needs changing, otherwise I'll accept your payment and start lining and coloring it
Total will be $13~
EDIT: It has been fixed!!
I wanted to give you a quick update on your picture.
Lineart and base colors are done~
Character Reference: Mel (Blue winter outfit, please. There is text on this page, but I'm linking it so you can see multiple pictures of her if needed. The first picture is her main reference.)
Character Traits: She has no nose and no fingers/toes; her eyes and mouth are all white like frosting; her blush is frosting. She is motherly and caring.
Pose Reference: The left pose but with a Christmas present instead
Animation?: Facial expression change from open eyes and a closed smile to closed eyes and an big, open smile. Blinking in between would be nice, similar to the fourth example you show.
Payment Option: Alexina gold
Let me know if you have any questions!
I can absolutely do all of that! Thanks so much! x3 I'll get working on it right away.
Do you mind if I use this on my tumblr? I'll give you full credit!!
Here you go Nyaa! This is my first time drawing something not-human so I hope it's ok >u<. Please tell me if there is anything you want fixed, otherwise I'll accept the payment and start lining~
Total: 4.5mil
Also, sorry for the long wait, Christmas has me tied up a bit. I'll try to finish this ASAP!
It is so cute though, I look forward to how it looks colored Feel free to add me in-game when you're on if you'd like to meet up, and I can get you a check. But if I'm not around, you can mail me a junk item that I will pay for ASAP Thank you so much for the WIP!
It has been fixed! x3 And yes, everything made sense. I also don't mind you helping me with the perspective, I'm not very good at it either lol It looks 100x better now~ I'll send you a junk item since I'm going to be on a plane all day today! So keep an eye out~