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Music and sound issues? Fix incoming!
Hi Everyone,
We have received tickets about players not being able to hear certain background music throughout Erinn. Other tickets have stated that certain sound effects weren't working anymore. We looked into the issue and noticed that they were correct! A recent update caused some audio files to not load to your client. If this is something you are experiencing, we have a fix for you!
Step 1: Close Mabinogi. THE MOST DIFFICULT STEP... but it has to be done...
Step 2: Open the
Mabinogi Settings in the Nexon Launcher (
NOTE: The settings button will not show up if you are in game)
Step 3: Hit
Repair Installation.
Step 4:
Click OK. Your missing audio and music files will be added back onto your client
You should start a small update
Step 5: Log in again and start playing. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
That's it! Should be relatively simple. We will monitor future updates to make sure this issue does not occur again. Thank you for your patience
Step 1: Close Mabinogi. You can jump back in right after this. I promise.
Step 2 In your Steam Library Right Click Mabinogi and select Properties
Step 3 Click the Local Files tab and hit Verify Integrity of Game Files. (That sounds very very serious)
You will start a small download. Click Close when finished.
Step 4: Log back into Mabinogi. See that wasn't so bad.
We just pushed the actual fix 30 minutes ago. It should resolve the issue now.
Thanks so much~
Ah, musics~
but can they at least announce the problem along with the solution in the NEWS PAGE!
It's so nice we can contact moderators like that directly now.
Don't mean to bump old threads but was wondering if the Title Music, when Mabinogi first pops up is still silent for anyone else? Even after you did the repair install?