Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer: Part 1 Update, containing the new Astrologer Talent and more!
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Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
Posts: 9,218
edited April 17, 2017 in Feedback and Suggestions
I have suggested this before in the old forums. We have all these different talents, even dual guns - which back in forums 1.0 I requested to have guns but it was...shot down. lel. But lookie we got it and most of you love it. Well now I propose a new talent with a bunch of new possibilities for skills. I present to you the long awaited Necromancer. We already have the scythes. Lets make it become reality like dual guns.

Just off the top of my head...we could have teleportation, ghosts and other creatures have it. We can summon ghosts and zombies to do our bidding. Proper dynamic scythe melee skills (kind of like Evie from Mabinogi Heroes). Lots of varied mystical projectile magic associated with necromancers...

I don't know...what else? Think of all the new outfits and armor that could be implemented because of this new talent. Squee! can I make it more complete?

Here's a pic?


That would make a nice crossover when we get this new talent. :O

Gaea of Ruairi
  1. Would you like to see Necromancer finally added as a new talent?34 votes
    1. Yes!
       76% (26 votes)
    2. No.
       24% (8 votes)


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited April 17, 2017
    Why is my suggestion in general?

    What are you guys doing???


    First you moved it over to incomplete, and then general. Staaaaaahp.
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    I had something a bit darker in mind. What if we use Puppetry, Alchemy, and Magic? Puppetry because I want to control dead bodies like puppets, and even K.O party members that will buff my damage like Divine Link. (But, maybe a little nerfed so that it doesn't get too OP). I love the teleportation and dead people summoning idea, and maybe we should add some creepy alchemy stuff. Like sort of how we have life drain, maybe a cool necromancer skill that's sort of like that, but specficially for necromancy! Like maybe adding your own HP into a dead monster to bring it back to life, but be one of your soldiers? :3
  • FilthyRedDevilFilthyRedDevil
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,160
    Posts: 117
    Controlling the dead bodies of your comrades do sound interesting......Huehuehuehue
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Xiokun wrote: »
    I had something a bit darker in mind. What if we use Puppetry, Alchemy, and Magic? Puppetry because I want to control dead bodies like puppets, and even K.O party members that will buff my damage like Divine Link. (But, maybe a little nerfed so that it doesn't get too OP). I love the teleportation and dead people summoning idea, and maybe we should add some creepy alchemy stuff. Like sort of how we have life drain, maybe a cool necromancer skill that's sort of like that, but specficially for necromancy! Like maybe adding your own HP into a dead monster to bring it back to life, but be one of your soldiers? :3

    Finally, a reason to use Adniel's Horn again.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited April 17, 2017
    Xiokun wrote: »
    I had something a bit darker in mind. What if we use Puppetry, Alchemy, and Magic? Puppetry because I want to control dead bodies like puppets, and even K.O party members that will buff my damage like Divine Link. (But, maybe a little nerfed so that it doesn't get too OP). I love the teleportation and dead people summoning idea, and maybe we should add some creepy alchemy stuff. Like sort of how we have life drain, maybe a cool necromancer skill that's sort of like that, but specficially for necromancy! Like maybe adding your own HP into a dead monster to bring it back to life, but be one of your soldiers? :3

    Yeah those were some of the ideas I had as well, like a type of life drain...OH HERE WE GO. What if you performed necro life drain and it healed you and your party members? At rank 1 it would halve the mobs hp totals by half or even more! That would be pretty op. I would call this ability, Transference.

    Ok THAT'S IT. Now my thread is back in incomplete. I am not going to put up with this.
  • ShoogShoog
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,535
    Posts: 883
    edited April 17, 2017
    Gaea wrote: »
    Why is my suggestion in general?

    What are you guys doing???


    First you moved it over to incomplete, and then general. Staaaaaahp.

    The only thing I can think of is that you moved it yourself by mistake. Did you edit it after the initial post and then you suddenly found it in General section? The category might have defaulted to General without you realizing. Anywho, just moved it back.

    There was a nice suggestion thread of this on the old forum. Stinks that everything was lost when that forum poofed. To make the suggestion complete some more content will need to be added, such as details and imagery.
  • AlmostNotsuperAlmostNotsuper
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,240
    Posts: 288
    edited April 17, 2017
    Shoog wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Why is my suggestion in general?

    What are you guys doing???


    First you moved it over to incomplete, and then general. Staaaaaahp.

    The only thing I can think of is that you moved it yourself by mistake. Did you edit it after the initial post and then you suddenly found it in General section? The category might have defaulted to General without you realizing. Anywho, just moved it back.

    There was a nice suggestion thread of this on the old forum. Stinks that everything was lost when that forum poofed. To make the suggestion complete some more content will need to be added, such as details and imagery.

    Yeah, I remember Zeo's. It wasn't perfect (imo), but he definitely put a lot of work into it, and it looked nice. Maybe he can put it here again if he still has it. @Zeo
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    edited April 26, 2017
    NOTE: The original post have too many texts so I will be making several of the separate posts if that is ok! They'll be split into 5 parts.

    PART 1

    Hi guys. I'm Zeo from Alexina server, I had this idea since 2014 so some aspects are outdated but of course, if Nexon/DevCat decide to implement this, they're welcome make any tweaks/changes to the content. :) I am grateful for your time to read this and any kind of support and feedback would be greatly appreciated (as DevCat can use those feedbacks into the consideration too!


    The Necromancer Content

    Necromancy Skillset


    Based on Int and Will for damage.

    Necromancy is a very powerful skill to use, but you have to take a lot of risk to succeed with the Necromancy skills. It will consume HP upon using any type of Necromancy skills. You also need to have the orb weapon which normally can be sold by the magic shop.

    The base damage formula for the Necromancy is...

    (Int + Will) / 4 = Total Maximum Damage

    (Int + Will) / 5.5 = Total Mininum Damage

    Necromancy Mastery- necromancymasteryicon_zps1d853df2.png
    The mastery that boost the efficient use in the Necromancy skills.


    Curse- curseicon_zps3d3944a3.png
    You take some of your HPs away and you inflict the curse on target. The target will slowly recieve the damage til to their death. The curse won't go away until the target die due to lack of HP.


    Shadow Strike- shadowstrikeicon_zps6517b81b.png
    You suddenly fade into shadow, losing all the aggro with the cost of your health and if you try to run, the mobs will hear you and suddenly aggro you, so you have to sneak toward the target and once the moment is right, you deliver a powerful strike, dealing heavy damage. The ally cannot directly assist you in any ways while you're in that state.


    Obscurity Burst- obscurityburst_zps394f753c.png
    The skill that make your character explodes, emitting shadowy aura, damaging the mobs nearby at the cost of some HPs as your character get knocked down from the powerful pressure.


    Ectoplasm Projectile- ectoplasmprojectileicon_zps3321b5e5.png
    You can convert some of your HP into the ectoplasm which you can launch onto the target for some damage.


    Eerily Wail- eerilywailicon_zpsb23c136f.png
    A strange cry produced from the orb that is so loud it damage the enemies and it also may frighten the enemies into confusion that they may attack against each other for a while. Be warned as it may affect your allies too!


    Darkness Infusion- darknessinfusionicon_zpsba2e1a46.png
    You use it, and you gain temporary invincibility to everything for a short time period, while able to use other Necromancy skills with more power but once the duration is over, your HP instantly go into deadly.


    Contract Binding- contractbindingicon_zps9479e4e9.png
    The most important Necromancy skill of all. It allow you to summon the spirit to aid you with the combat, and they also share the same Necromancy skills with you. Better contract binding you have, you may summon more spirits and they'll be powerful. Be careful though! They also share the same HP with you meaning if one of them get damaged, you plus all other spirits get damaged. If one of them dies, then you plus all other spirits die too.



    The Necromancer Talent

  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    edited April 26, 2017

    PART 2
    New Dungeons added to Belvast Island


    A part of Tory Ravine is now accessible via Beach of Scathach. (note: this is outdated as the path now lead to gate of Avalon... maybe make a new path somewhere in Beach of Scathach leading to Urbaile Town?)

    The Urbaile town's NPCs
    Ganieda (wearing Necromancer Outfit and Shoes for Female)

    Dooley (wearing Necromancer Outfit and Shoes for Male)







    God Sreng

    Goddess Cethlenn
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    edited April 26, 2017

    PART 3

    New Dungeon Info

    Anam Dungeon
    Follow the traditional dungeon system like in Uladh

    Normal- (drop any items onto the altar)
    1 floor

    HP: 500
    Skills: Ectoplasm Projectile, Defense, Smash, Counter
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Bisque Doll
    HP: 300
    Skills: Defense, Counter, Mana Deflector lvl2

    Bone Archer
    HP: 420
    Skills: Defense, Ranged Attack, Magnum Shot

    Gray Town Rat (Hardmode)
    HP: 395
    Skills: Defense


    Authentic Necromancer (x2)
    HP: 1000
    Skills: Ectoplasm Projectile, Obscurity Burst, Defense, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    (* always will recieve) Reward:
    *Ducat Bag (3000 ~ 5000)
    *Gold (3000 ~ 5000)
    Anam Basic Dungeon Pass
    Anam Intermediate Dungeon Pass

    Basic- (drop Anam Basic Dungeon Pass onto the altar)
    2 floors

    HP: 500
    Skills: Ectoplasm Projectile, Defense, Smash, Counter
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Authentic Necromancer
    HP: 1000
    Skills: Ectoplasm Projectile, Obscurity Burst, Defense, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Demonic Poet
    HP: 800
    Skills: Dischord, Windmill, March Song, Defense

    Authentic Bone Archer
    HP: 950
    Skills: Defense, Ranged Attack, Magnum Shot, Mirage Missile

    Shadow Gunslinger:
    HP: 900
    Skills: Counter, Grapple Shot,


    White Incubus (strong)
    HP: 5000
    Skills: Smash, Counter, Defense, Windmill, Icebolt, Firebolt, Lightning Bolt, Ice Spear, Fireball, Chain Casting, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1.
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    White Succubus (strong)
    HP: 5000
    Skills: Party Healing, Song, Vivace, March Song, Shockwave, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Weak Ghast x5
    HP: 1500
    Skills: Smash, Defense, Counter, Advanced Heavy Stander, Chain Casting, Firebolt

    (* always will recieve) Reward:
    *Ducat Bag (6000 ~ 9000)
    *Gold (5000 ~ 8000)
    Anam Basic Dungeon Pass
    Anam Intermediate Dungeon Pass
    Anam Advanced Dungeon Pass

    Intermediate- (drop Anam Intermediate Dungeon Pass onto the altar)
    3 floors

    Weak Ghast
    HP: 1500
    Skills: Smash, Defense, Counter, Advanced Heavy Stander, Chain Casting, Firebolt

    Ghastly Necromancer
    HP: 3200
    Skills: Skills: Ectoplasm Projectile, Obscurity Burst, Shadow Strike, Defense, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Dark Cobweb Mummy
    HP: 4000
    Skills: Ice Spear, Thunder, Fireball, Chain Cast, Windmill, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Ghastly Poet
    HP: 3000
    Skills: Dischord, Battlefield Oveture, Endure Melody, March Song, Shockwave, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1

    Ghastly Bone Archer
    HP: 2800
    Skills: Defense, Ranged Attack, Magnum Shot, Mirage Missile, Spider Shot, Support Shot, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1

    Ghastly Gunslinger
    HP: 3500
    Skills: Grapple Shot, Flash Launcher, Bullet Slide, Bullet Storm, Defense, Counter, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Cursed Wisp
    HP: 4500
    Skills: Lightning Bolt, Thunder, Shockwave, Shock, Obscurity Burst, Self-Destruct, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2


    Cursed Grim Reaper
    HP: 70000
    Skills: Grim Reaper Vertical Attack, Grim Reaper Horizontal Attack, Teleportation, Advanced Heavy Stander
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Cursed Bran
    HP: 80000
    Skills: Bran's Shockwave, Bran's Arm Swing, Bran's Charge, Advanced Heavy Stander
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Cursed Merrow
    HP: 90000
    Skills: Merrow Smash, Merrow Rising Dragon, Merrow Tidal Wave, Teleportation, Advanced Heavy Stander
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    (* always will recieve) Reward:
    *Ducat Bag (20000 ~ 25000)
    *Gold (12000 ~ 15000)
    Anam Intermediate Dungeon Pass
    Anam Advanced Dungeon Pass

    Advanced- (drop Anam Advanced Dungeon Pass onto the altar)
    4 floors

    Corrupted Wisp
    HP: 12000
    Skills: Lightning Bolt, Thunder, Shockwave, Shock, Obscurity Burst, Self-Destruct, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2

    Corrupted Poet
    HP: 10000
    Skills: Dischord, Battlefield Oveture, Endure Melody, March Song, Lullaby, Shockwave, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl3

    Corrupted Necromancer
    HP: 11000
    Skills: Ectoplasm Projectile, Obscurity Burst, Shadow Strike, Eerily Wail, Defense, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl3, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Corrupted Bone Archer
    HP: 9000
    Skills: Defense, Ranged Attack, Magnum Shot, Mirage Missile, Spider Shot, Support Shot, Arrow Revolver, Crash Shot, Heavy Stander lvl3, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1

    Corrupted Gunslinger
    HP: 9500
    Skills: Grapple Shot, Flash Launcher, Bullet Slide, Bullet Storm, Shooting Rush, Defense, Counter, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Infernal Bisque Doll
    HP: 15000
    Skills: Defense, Counter, Advanced Heavy Stander
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Infernal Banshee
    HP: 13500
    Skills: Windmill, Shockwave, Thunder, Ice Spear, Wind Blast, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2

    HP: 12150
    Skills: Smash, Counter, Defense, Advanced Heavy Stander, Heavy Stander lvl2


    Cethlenn's Servant x5
    HP: 120000
    Skills: Instinctive Reaction, Teleportation, Wings of Rage, Meteor Strike, Hailstorm, Shockwave, Snap Cast, Curse, Ectoplasm Projectile, Windmill, Advanced Heavy Stander
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    (* always will recieve) Reward:
    *Ducat Bag (120000 ~ 150000)
    *Gold (28000 ~ 35000)
    Anam Advanced Dungeon Pass
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    edited April 26, 2017

    PART 4

    Daroi Dungeon
    Follow the traditional dungeon system like in Uladh.

    Normal- (drop anything onto the altar)

    3 Floors


    Infernal Fire Sprite
    HP: 10000
    Skills: Chain Casting, Firebolt, Fireball, Heat Buster, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Infernal Lightning Sprite
    HP: 10000
    Skills: Chain Casting, Lightning Bolt, Thunder, Shockwave, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Infernal Ice Sprite
    HP: 10000
    Skills: Chain Casting, Icebolt, Ice Spear, Frozen Blast, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Healer Sprite
    HP: 12000
    Skills: Party Healing, Endure Melody, March Song, Vivace, Advanced Heavy Stander, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Alchemist Sprite
    HP: 11000
    Skills: Chain Cast (alchemy skills), Summon Golem, Water Cannon, Wind Blast, Sand Burst, Flame Burst, Life Drain (Monster), Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Corrupted Poet
    HP: 10000
    Skills: Dischord, Battlefield Oveture, Endure Melody, March Song, Lullaby, Shockwave, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl3

    Corrupted Fighter
    HP: 11000
    Skills: Charging Strike, Focused Fist, Tumble, Smash, Counter Punch, Counter, Assault Slash, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl1


    Giant Infernal Fire Sprite
    HP: 100000
    Skills: Chain Cast, Fireball, Meteor Strike, Advanced Heavy Stander

    Giant Infernal Lightning Sprite
    HP: 100000
    Skills: Chain Cast, Thunder, Shock, Advanced Heavy Stander

    Giant Infernal Ice Sprite
    HP: 100000
    Skills: Chain Cast, Ice Spear, Hailstorm, Advanced Heavy Stander

    Giant Healer Sprite
    HP: 120000
    Skills: Party Healing, Shockwave, Life Drain (Monster), Puppet's Snare, Advanced Heavy Stander, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2

    (* always will recieve) Reward:
    *Ducat Bag (40000 ~ 70000)
    *Gold (26000 ~ 32000)
    Anam Intermediate Dungeon Pass
    Anam Advanced Dungeon Pass

    Scath Dungeon
    Follow the traditional dungeon system like in Uladh.

    Scath Dungeon

    Normal - (drop anything onto the altar)

    5 floors


    Infernal Necromancer
    HP: 30000
    Skills: Ectoplasm Projectile, Obscurity Burst, Shadow Strike, Eerily Wail, Curse, Defense, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Infernal Gunslinger
    HP: 27000
    Skills: Grapple Shot, Flash Launcher, Bullet Slide, Bullet Storm, Shooting Rush, Way of the Gun, Defense, Counter, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Infernal Fighter
    HP: 25000
    Skills: Charging Strike, Focused Fist, Somersault Kick, Spinning Uppercut, Pummel, Drop Kick, Tumble, Respite

    Infernal Ghast
    HP: 30000
    Skills: Smash, Defense, Counter, Advanced Heavy Stander, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2

    Infernal Mage
    HP: 28000
    Skills: Chain Casting, Fireball, Ice Spear, Thunder, Meteor Strike, Hailstorm, Shockwave, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2

    Infernal Poet
    HP: 25000
    Skills: Dischord, Lullaby, Fantastic Chorus, Battlefield Overture, March Song, Endure Melody, Vivace
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)

    Infernal Colossus Marionette
    HP: 25500
    Skills: Act 1: Inciting Incident, Act 2: Threshold Cutter, Act 4: Rising Action, Puppet's Snare, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2

    Infernal Pierrot Marionette
    HP: 30000
    Skills: Act 1: Inciting Incident, Act 2: Threshold Cutter, Act 6: Crisis, Act 7: Climactic Crash, Puppet's Snare, Heavy Stander lvl1, Natural Shield lvl1, Mana Deflector lvl3

    Cethlenn's Follower
    HP: 20000
    Skills: Instinctive Reaction, Teleportation, Wings of Rage, Meteor Strike, Hailstorm, Shockwave, Snap Cast, Curse, Ectoplasm Projectile, Windmill, Advanced Heavy Stander
    Additional Info: Immune to Lullaby and Rain Casting (aggro does not reset)


    Infernal Master Lich
    HP: 750000
    Skills: Summon Monster (Cethlenn's Follower x6), Ice Spear, Fireball, Thunder, Flames of Hell, Invitation of Death, Chain Casting, Advanced Heavy Stander, Heavy Stander lvl2, Natural Shield lvl2, Mana Deflector lvl2

    (* always will recieve) Reward:
    *Ducat Bag (400000 ~ 500000)
    *Gold (50000 ~ 60000)


    Cethlenn's Servant/Follower

  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    edited April 26, 2017

    PART 5

    Necromancer's Mini-storyline and Quests
    How to activate the quest? Go and buy the orb from any type of magic shop, and get Necromancy mastery to rank F to trigger the quest.

    Quest 1:

    1. Go to Urbaile town in the newly opened area of Tory Ravine.

    2. Talk to Ganieda. She will mention something about the necromancy skills.

    Complete the quest.

    Quest 2:

    1. Talk to Ganieda once again, and she will point you to her own Necromancer apprentice, Dooley.

    2. Talk to Dooley, he will teach you the three basic necromancy skills: Shadow Strike, Obscurity Burst, and Ectoplasm Projectile.

    Complete the quest to learn those three skills at rank Novice.

    Quest 3:

    1. Talk to Gow, he will ask you to go talk to his daughter Olive because she needed help with something.

    2. Talk with Olive, she will tell you how the evil necromancers is lurking outside the dungeon and she want you to enter Anam dungeon to check on it.

    3. Clear Anam dungeon.

    4. Talk to Olive, she will tell you thank you, and that goddess Cethlenn was responsible for making some dangerous monsters deep within Anam dungeon, but thanks to god Sreng, he made sure to seal the dungeon so monsters couldn't get out. The dungeons in Belvast island have the statue of Sreng in order to honor him.

    5. Talk to Gow, he will tell you thanks for helping out his own daughter because he's too busy managing the blacksmith shop.

    Complete the quest.

    Quest 4:

    1. Talk to Dooley, he heard that you have been helping Gow and Olive with their small problems and tell you to go to Ganieda.

    2. Talk to Ganieda, she will teach you the Curse skill.

    Complete the quest to obtain rank Novice Curse skill.

    Quest 5:

    1. Talk to Valentine, he gave you a rude look, and tell you that you better have some money to buy the clothes or else, go away.

    2. Talk to Mabel, she apologizes for the behavior Valentine made and explain that he's usually like that to new people. Mabel then tell you that she will talk to him about this.

    3. Talk to Dooley, and he will teach you a new Necromancy skill; Eerily Wail.

    Complete the quest to obtain rank Novice Eerily Wail skill.

    Quest 6:

    1. Talk to Valentine, he will apologize for being rude to you earlier, and tell you that you're the one who would help stop the war between the light and the dark from going on when it occurs then he started to panic and tell you that he was supposed to keep it a secret and begs you to not tell anyone of this.

    2. Talk to Mabel, she ask you that she want to communicate the spirits and ask you to go talk to Ganieda and ask her for the Channeling Medal.

    3. Talk to Ganieda, and she will give you the Channeling Medal.

    4. Deliver the Channeling Medal to Mabel, and she will thank you.

    Complete the quest.

    Quest 7:

    1. Talk to Ganieda, she will teach you a new Necromancy skill; Darkness Infusion.

    Completel the quest to obtain rank Novice Darkness Infusion.

    Quest 8:

    1. Talk to Dooley, he will explain that some people forbids the Necromancy skills because it allow people to communicate with the undead. Ganieda will jump in, and started explaining that it's true.

    Ganieda will give you a Channeling Medal, a special 1x1 item you can store in "Me" tab.

    Ganieda will explain that it's important because it will allow you to see and communicate with the spirits.

    2. Talk to Athole by the Spirit's Den. she will become happy and exclaims that she finally got to meet some new people, then she apologized for getting too excited. She explained to you that she is blessed with the power of god Sreng's to protect the area from danger caused by goddess Cethlenn.

    3. Talk to Hoyt by the Wishing Stone, and he tell you that he is just there, and also to socialize with Athole because they both were the only spirit and people couldn't see them at that time.

    You will be taken to a cutscene where Athole (in her human form) is running around in Tory Ravine carefreely and wandered into Anam dungeon, and goddess Cethlenn appeared, saying that she is upset at Athole for entering the dungeon against her own will and finding out about the Necromancers. Cethlenn inflicted a curse onto Athole, then disappeared, causing Athole to die slowly by the shore. Hoyt was the first one to find Athole, but Athole's corpse looked really strange like she wasn't a human. Athole's corpse cursed Hoyt from Cethlenn's power, Hoyt being unaware of this, and he reported the dead body to the people on Commonwealth of Belvast, and they begin to stop visiting Tory Ravine, and Hoyt died in his home. God Sreng appeared and noticed the problem, so he resurrected Athole and Hoyt in the spirit form, and they became the guardian of the Urbaile area in Tory Ravine with the power of Sreng's. Few necromancers from the Cethlenn's side begin to realize their wrongdoing and became good. Sreng continued to watch over the Urbaile area, and gave them the special Channeling Medal to allow them to communicate with Athole and Hoyt.

    Complete the quest.

    Quest 9:

    1. Talk to Ganieda and explain to her about the backflash that Hoyt showed you. She tell you that she is the descendant of the first good necromancer who started the Urbaile town a while ago. She chose to follow the path of necromancer, while her older brother Merlin, decided to take the path of mage.

    2. Talk to Ganieda again. She will teach you the Contract Binding necromancy skill.

    3. Talk to Dooley, he will thank you for helping all the people in Urbaile town and that he really appreciate it. He also gave you some advices for Contract Binding skill.

    Complete the quest to learn Contract Binding skill at rank Novice.

    End of Necromancer's Mini-Storyline.

    Additional Contents

    CP Stats Rebalance

    Health 1.0 > 0.5
    Mana 0.5 > 0.3
    Stamina 0.5 > 0.3
    Strength 1.0 > 0.5
    Intelligence 0.2 > 0.1
    Dexterity 0.1 > 0.1
    Will 0.5 > 0.3
    Luck 0.1 > 0.1

    Only apply to your character, the mobs are unaffected.


    Archery skills will be in their own tab now.

    List of Archery Attacks that will be in their ranged tab.
    Ranged Attack
    Magnum Shot
    Support Shot
    Crash Shot
    Arrow Revolver
    Mirage Missile
    Final Shot
    Bow Mastery
    Crossbow Mastery



    Each base stat (HP, MP, Stam, Str, Int, Dex, Will, and Luck) will be uncapped to 2000.


    Meteor Strike now have 10 minutes cooldown instead of 15 minutes and the flash effect upon meteor landing are removed.


    Some changes made into the Song skill. People that sing without the microphone will recieve a penalty of -50% at rank 5 to penalty of -25% at rank 1. Master title will reduce the singing penalty to only -15% without the microphone.


    While in Disarm status of Dark Knight, the cloud's healing Area of Effect won't apply.


    Any heavy armors that humans can wear, are also able to be worn by elves as well such as Spika armor, because humans and elves share the same body model.


    You are able to bring a party with you for Coill Abyss dungeon and Coill Abyss Pass dungeon drop in SMs bit more often.

    Most of the credits goes to me but Nerava, Redlion, BUREImijin, and Yamakazu (all from Alexina server) helped me with some of the ideas, so some of credits goes to them as well.
  • ShoogShoog
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,535
    Posts: 883
    Thank you for reposting this to the new forums. I though it was a cool idea! May I merge this thread with the one that @Gaea made of the same topic?
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    Shoog wrote: »
    Thank you for reposting this to the new forums. I though it was a cool idea! May I merge this thread with the one that @Gaea made of the same topic?

    I don't see the harm in this so why not? :) Is it still in the suggestion section, right?
  • AndrewGRAndrewGR
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 22
    Zeo wrote: »

    Necromancy is a very powerful skill to use, but you have to take a lot of risk to succeed with the Necromancy skills. It will consume HP upon using any type of Necromancy skills. You also need to have the orb weapon which normally can be sold by the magic shop.

    I think would be better to use books instead of orbs as a weapon. We already have some books in game (Eweca,Ladeca,Astrologer's) and could be used with any other 1 handed weapons something like guard cylinders. (e.g. if you use it with a wand the damage output will e higher)

    Overall its a good idea for a new talent !!!
  • FalskullFalskull
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 30
    you realize your idea is part of the Blue Mage skill set from Final Fantasy and not in relations to actual necromancy. Since Actual Necromancy uses Zombies and Skeletons and not Ghosts. Using ghost is called Ghostologist which is the study of ghost. Necromancy is the study of the undead which uses spirits to control the undead. that and how does your skill set fit in the current storyline. You have no story to fit with nexons Celtic themed Story being that of Mabinogi.
  • YokkaichiYokkaichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 323
    Falskull wrote: »
    that and how does your skill set fit in the current storyline. You have no story to fit with nexons Celtic themed Story being that of Mabinogi.
    Well Esras used necromancy, in a way, to control Rian, so I wouldn't say that necromancy skills is entirely out of the realm of possibility in Mabi.
    And to be fair, Mabinogi is not strictly based on Celtic lore. If it were, then you better believe we wouldn't have gotten the Shakespeare generations.

    Mabinogi Rep: 640
    Posts: 40
    i agree with skull, why not have a tamer class talent we have the skill can fight in the lore does not need to be to complicated can even be simple like golem summon AI
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    edited April 30, 2017
    Yokkaichi wrote: »
    Falskull wrote: »
    that and how does your skill set fit in the current storyline. You have no story to fit with nexons Celtic themed Story being that of Mabinogi.
    Well Esras used necromancy, in a way, to control Rian, so I wouldn't say that necromancy skills is entirely out of the realm of possibility in Mabi.
    And to be fair, Mabinogi is not strictly based on Celtic lore. If it were, then you better believe we wouldn't have gotten the Shakespeare generations.

    This, lol. I even used most of the names in the storyline which are based off a Celtic place/character... and by your (Falskull) logic... Necromancy would probably be more 'fitting' for Mabi than Ninja and Gunslinger so where's the outrage for Ninja and Gunslinger skillset? xD There's LOOOOT of things that would be deemed 'unfitting' for the Celtic lore in Mabinogi so why are you complaining about NOW?
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Zeo wrote: »
    Yokkaichi wrote: »
    Falskull wrote: »
    that and how does your skill set fit in the current storyline. You have no story to fit with nexons Celtic themed Story being that of Mabinogi.
    Well Esras used necromancy, in a way, to control Rian, so I wouldn't say that necromancy skills is entirely out of the realm of possibility in Mabi.
    And to be fair, Mabinogi is not strictly based on Celtic lore. If it were, then you better believe we wouldn't have gotten the Shakespeare generations.

    This, lol. I even used most of the names in the storyline which are based off a Celtic place/character... and by your (Falskull) logic... Necromancy would probably be more 'fitting' for Mabi than Ninja and Gunslinger so where's the outrage for Ninja and Gunslinger skillset? xD There's LOOOOT of things that would be deemed 'unfitting' for the Celtic lore in Mabinogi so why are you complaining about NOW?

    Yeah. I always wondered what was celtic about a motorbike and a food truck, too. <_>