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The Eweca stones shuld be a pernament in cash shop
Lets face it...80$ package is kinda unreasonable when people only want the red(maybe blue?) stones from it. The other items are pointless filler to cap players. It's 50% cheaper to just buy enuf of the other packages if u want to stack those fillers item to equate to the same amount offer in the 80$ box. 10 bucks for either sounds reasonable. They're not guaranteed success anyways like da enchant pots.
Your thoughts?
GG. Let's not follow Vindictus's path. Common Sense.
I don't want anything from the package except for those protection stones.
And your only getting one as well...another 80 bucks if that one fails. :rolleyes:
Imma die a little inside every time I see one fails.
The good news is just one package will be worth a lot of in-game gold even if the stones fail. I imagine the paywall is intended to keep the number of R7 items relatively low.
Yeah I think $10 seem to be bit too low - I'd say more of a reasonable price would be $20~$30 for one stone or so.
20 bucks sounds more reasonable in that case. 40-50 bucks would not be worth it unless it is a guarantee succeed.
Or tuck it away behind once in a blue moon events like lucky and reg protection ones.
There is still a risk of failing. So...it isn't 2 bad.
Most people are stuck@ r5
very few have r6
Only the elitists/whales will try 4 r7 nywayz~
P.S. I wuld only do it 4 liek 2 pieces of gears only...blue ones for my celtic guardian staff and reds on my CRKs.
Good idea, to be honest!
Sorta wish the eweca/Ladeca protection stones were the End-Prize for the Mission point event.
Ur right.
I was 2 short-sighted!
I'll go genuflect over in a corner now...
I'm of the opinion that Step 7 should belong to the end game people as a reward for their perseverance and risk. However I won't hate them if they do appear as the final reward of an event or something. I just feel that putting them behind a massive paywall isn't a great idea.
Another 30 day Ultimate summer logfest again with a 1hr time frame each day with the reward given as the 30 day consecutive prize ?
Hence wry I'm using mission points for unlim dung pass. Screw the outfits/wigs. I'll just buy em later off players if I really want them. Gotta get me sum of these mats and RS cuz U can't cs the passes anymore~
We already have pay2win int he form of Reforges. we dont need more.
dont get me wrong. i dont mind trying for R7 if i know my gear is safe from destruction incase it fails but im not going to buy it for real $$$. i will be 100% against this stuff.
just like reforges. i will use the item if its given out in a giveaway. but i will never partake in Pay2Win.
It's part of the f2p model...if ur not charging a premuim fee U gotta be selling sum form of edge/power.
I love p2w.Everyone loves p2w.
Please more, give us more.
How much more stupid can they get?
Well if they are making money that's all that matters to them.