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Closed Festia Anniversary Screenshot Contest [Submission]
I Love to sing~
IGN: pennybrenda
Server: Alexina
*i used Photoshop to crop it.. i hope thats alright.. v_v *
Cropping is fine, you just can't enhance it with any kind of brushes or filters.
Working the ice cream stand cause someone has to do it.
Wait why is this hidden in a corner behind a tree anyway?
IGN: Opalthira
Server: Alexina
That rainbow puke...
IGN: Gretux
Server: Alexina
Music is my favorite part of Mabi, so of course the stage is my favorite part of Festia! It's such a pretty place to have concerts
IGN: Shakaya
Server: Tarlach
IGN: Sohye
Server: Tarlach
IGN: hyaciinth
Server: Tarlach
It's like in Harry Potter where he tries to make him vomit slugs but instead of slugs, it's rainbows!
That's me on the ground when I find out I'm not in the top 3 rank (as well as looking at the Ranked Milletian)
IGN: Hikura4
Server: Mari
IGN: Fifth
Server: Alexina
IGN: Felivath
Server: Ruairi
Come join me up on the stage, perhaps we could play a few songs together?
A colorful beautiful day to celebrate at Festia ~ ♥
IGN: Nakiju
Server: Ruairi
Here, kitty, kitty!
IGN: Ageha
Server: Tarlach
I like to eat =P
Server: Mari
IGN Rifka
Server Tarlach
Server: Mari
"I really want a bite of this ..."
IGN: Otusan
Server: Mari
IGN: Laticija
Server: Tarlach
Name: Sylverdawn
Server: Mari
I don't know, something about sitting above everyone having fun while enjoying a nice cup of tea is a favorite part of my day. Got to make sure everyone is being nice, and following all the rules! Don't want anyone getting hurt while they are having fun!
Whelp... it didn't work. Well here is a link to the image at least. https://imgur.com/a/ewrca