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Spooky Halloween Parade (Community Event)
This community event its pretty simple, This October 30 at 8 PM (PDT) we gather at Tir Chonaill's Graveyard and transform into any spooky monster like: Ghoul, Skeleton, Shadow Ghost, Witch, Spider, Wisp, Pumpkin, Big Etc... and make a parade all the way to Dunbarton. (I don't recomend zombie cause it walks too slow).
and for the Channel I will leave it up to a poll vote.
And who knows? Maybe a GM might find this event interesting and make it a legit event we can get some free Jack o' Lanterns with cool stuff?? xD
EDIT: I didn't added any server since this idea aims for every single server

EDIT 2: Changed the date for the 30th since people go "full event mode" or goes to parties, AND wants those freebies (Myself included xD)
But it'd be nice if every one did it.
Such as having "This is halloween!" play on a jam session before banquet.
And those lovely people going around in the squeaky feet pumpkin outfits.
Heck, I'm already dressed as a Succubus for fun. I just toss on a purple bat crown as a costume. Very spoopy.
The empty server jokes are far beyond stale.
btw, for anyone wondering, Tarlach's main channel hasn't been 1 since the monster server temporarily went down for a day in, like, 2010. Ever since then, the main channel has switched to 2, then 5, and finally 7. So you people must be looking in the wrong places.
Hmm there is still time to organize this better
Yeah why don't we do it on the 30th. But I think we should do it a bit later in the evening.
Made it for 30th and 8pm PDT
Still sad, I don't get off until 6pm ET, and it takes an hour to get home. RIP.
I feel you
Its not bashing them when its the truth. I have a character on each server.. Its not some joke- Some of the servers just simple dont have enough players- and no its not me messing the busy channels either. Comparing now from just a few years ago on ruairi, there arent that many. Ive been told more then once by more then one person as well that alot of players have moved to the more popular servers and thats just one of the reasons.
Edit: Also- A friend if mine who join just under a year even said this. "A few days on the game ive yet seen many players."
Look we are sore about it because we all have significant investments on these servers which can NOT be transferred. If we could take everything we have accomplished and purchased to effing Alexina - we would! But we can't and never will be able to! We're stuck here and we need people like you to shut up and stop making it worse. Just shut up and let people choose their own servers themselves. Alrighty?
Will you calm down, seriously... Me saying SOME servers are dying has nothing to do with making it worse- i never said which servers was dying, i did bring up the one i am on and thats because im sad about it, but im not biting peoples heads off for saying a server is dying off. You are also implying i am ok with losing what ive done on my character? Your not the only one who has significant investments. I never once say what servers are dying nor am i going around and telling people to not join a server, Never once did that even come up, The only thing ive ever said about joining another server is IF you go to do it- make a new account because you will have no pets at all when you make a new character, that was it.
As for this ". If we could take everything we have accomplished and purchased to effing Alexina - we would! But we can't and never will be able to! " They could make it possible, its not impossible to do it, ive seen games do it more then once and everything was fine.
Just because you are sore about this- Doesnt give you the right to tell someone to shut up and say they are making it worse. You really need to calm down and not go off on someone then accuse them of something they didnt even say.
personally i'd prolly like to go as banshee or demi lich, LOL
I would love to go, but 5AM is a bit too pushing for me. Hope to at least get some good screenies here in the forums from the one participating.
I have problems with times now and then too, since 8pm PDT would be 00:00 night time for me. (Unless is saturady)
Time zone sucks
Im always like: Ok ppl I have to go to bed
and my friends are like: But its still early xD
Fiendish creatures! TwT