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monochrome eyes?
like? finally? took you long enough?
If anything, I have some new stuff to play around with in that korean Sim.
Like those demon eyes.
Forget having 2 eye colors like some generic anime character, I want my demon look to be complete with demon eyes.
Maybe. Honestly depends on how good I can make them work.
I never like using a look without planning it.
I never get a top-tier prize out of those, but I seem to get something I like each time it comes around. =D
Wishful thinking. SMH.
As long as somebody pulls off a MapleStory Luminous cosplay, I'll be happy.
I hope you're right. But Nexon has had a history of putting gacha on the priority list. Personally Im guessing we'll get the new gacha some point of the beginning of next year. I just wish they would at the very least separate out the different series like a gacha for series 1, 2, etc. Or make one for hair, eyes, mouths, etc. I doubt they'll ever do pon versions, but it would be nice if when they release a new beauty series they would make the old ones purchasable with pon. That way you could still get the old ones and not have insanely stuffed gachas. I mean it won't happen but it'd be nice.
There is an extremely high chance of this being the case.
One of the coupons is for the hair of the Chain Slash Ace Character. Whatsherface.
I think the double color eyes and demon eyes are from her as well.
It would have a much easier time being sold after the Talent, so the typical spenders see the new ace and want her everything.
I died inside when I saw I missed my chance at the M coupon, but by a miracle someone did end up selling me one. I was heartbroken because it's the first male hairstyle I've really liked, I think we should have an option somewhere to trade a wig in for a hair coupon. Maybe even make the nx shop one work on wigs too?
Patissiere F when?