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Server Merge


  • Member pcuser510
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 8
    If there no mega server I guess I have to solo dungeon my self so yea lack of population.
  • Member Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited September 30, 2017
    MikuV3 wrote: »
    No please
    RIP beds

    An issue like that can be fixed by increasing the commerce stock count, but NA would still need to get KR to build a revision script for them.
    There's also the math of ratio of average daily players to active commerce characters, minus average banned bot script users.
    It can be fixed, just probably not fast enough.
    Just stay wise and alert on your usual commerce journey, and try not to solo all the time... it can get dangerous.
    Nilrem wrote: »
    The reason we don't have a merge is obvious.
    The act of a merge would mean the collision of 4 entirely different server communities.
    Doing so would unleash an apocalyptic force far beyond what anyone could comprehend.
    We aren't ready to handle something with that much power.
    The sky would rain meteors and our monitors would explode from the effects of such.
    It would almost cause the end of all existence.

    ...Or just be chaotic and full of arguing guilds, EvG, and an economy crash far larger than ever before.
    And lag. Can't forget the lag. Someone would complain about lag no matter how well it was done.

    Oh well, time to wait another month or so for the next server merge topic.

    You know what, I just remembered that some games lock skills in safe zones unless combat mode is engaged.
    In Mabinogi that could mean using the mode switch hotkey, but it could also mean fancy new tech that detects when a player is under aggro that triggers combat. (Such as when someone sets mobs against bots, or a bear is baited into town and hits a normal player unintentionally.)
    This safe zone restriction would make the servers less laggy in town from skill spam aside from music or crafting, and would still allow open world or private PvP to happen at the risk of everyone's HP.
  • Member Alexaira
    Mabinogi Rep: 425
    Posts: 2
    Nexon, please listen to your community (we're a small population!) and let us become one massive server. It'll not long attract new players but will bring back some veterans, plus with a bigger community, there's more potential for growth. This is a wonderful game and our community should be reunited together.
  • Member Arcee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,000
    Posts: 2
    Ooh yes please do a new engine with a megaserver, i love this idea! As i know myself i will never stop playing mabi and a fixed version of this game would be so amazing & also the new engine would attract many players and bring back old ones that's sure. Sadly the world in Mari has become very empty around the last year. Please nexon do this and never give up on mabinogi! >_< thanks ♥
  • Member Arcee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,000
    Posts: 2
    I'm also for a server merging or at least a transfer, sadly the world in Mari has become very empty around the last year. I play the na version approximately since eu was closed. It is a pity if you hardly see items in the housing and also very few people come to the shadow missions (i know it's an old game but yes...) If the game is only still living cause of money income, then you could meet some players' wishes and at least let peoples who loves a bigger community change the servers, cause nexon also lives from the money of us mabinogi players! :) Thank you!
  • Member Telysz
    Mabinogi Rep: 910
    Posts: 16
    edited December 4, 2017
    The gaming experience have been poor lately it wasn't as fun as it was before when there were more people around to to stuff together, this world ruari needs a population boosts, who agrees?
  • Member Mabskmk
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 16
    Just reduce the number of channels... >.<
    [Deleted User]
  • Member YangKoete
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,185
    Posts: 266
    Mabskmk wrote: »
    Just reduce the number of channels... >.<

    I don't think we need a 7th channel for each server...Six channels is fine by me.
    [Deleted User]
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited December 5, 2017
    Mabskmk wrote: »
    Just reduce the number of channels... >.<

    No thanks. I will prefer having more empty dead channels than less chances of getting Lich sketches or gold/mats from Dragon Raids.
    [Deleted User]
  • Member Negumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,905
    Posts: 1,322
    YangKoete wrote: »
    Mabskmk wrote: »
    Just reduce the number of channels... >.<

    I don't think we need a 7th channel for each server...Six channels is fine by me.

    reducing it by 1 or 2 channels would not be enough to make a big enough difference anyway though. they would have to take out 3 to 4 channels for anyone to notice and it would still would not increase the server population or improve the community much while players complain about the extra lag from a unnecessary update.
    [Deleted User]
  • Member Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited December 9, 2017
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Alexaira wrote: »
    Nexon, please listen to your community (we're a small population!) and let us become one massive server. It'll not long attract new players but will bring back some veterans, plus with a bigger community, there's more potential for growth. This is a wonderful game and our community should be reunited together.
    If you bothered at all to read the thread, most people don't want a "mega server" or "single massive server", and this community was never "united together" in the manner you're referring to (a senseless merge of servers without a thought in the world for anything already said).

    The nerve of some people. :unamused:

    Don't worry about it too much, only 30 votes on an unofficial poll isn't enough for Nexon to make a choice off the poll alone.
    Glad to see all the feedback my thread generated, and how on topic it's been too.
    Just going to leave the OP as it is, just in case anyone needs a refresher. (Mostly for the Vmods.)

  • Member Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited December 9, 2017

    Arcee wrote: »
    Ooh yes please do a new engine with a megaserver, i love this idea! As i know myself i will never stop playing mabi and a fixed version of this game would be so amazing & also the new engine would attract many players and bring back old ones that's sure. Sadly the world in Mari has become very empty around the last year. Please nexon do this and never give up on mabinogi! >_< thanks ♥
    I'm also for a server merging or at least a transfer, sadly the world in Mari has become very empty around the last year. I play the na version approximately since eu was closed. It is a pity if you hardly see items in the housing and also very few people come to the shadow missions (i know it's an old game but yes...) If the game is only still living cause of money income, then you could meet some players' wishes and at least let peoples who loves a bigger community change the servers, cause nexon also lives from the money of us mabinogi players! :) Thank you!

    We've been through the whole engine debate before, but it's entirely up to Nexon KR in the end to decide on cost/efficiency.
    Yes, a new engine would allow things to run smoother allowing for a server merge or mega server, but it's just not really something Nexon KR wishes to discuss openly to anyone at the moment.
    Also, the EU server closing was another sad day in history, but it's good to see that NA has become the hub for lost souls.
    Hopefully we'll see a global version similar to Maplestory in the future, if at all.
    Mabskmk wrote: »
    Just reduce the number of channels... >.<

    Seems to be a popular opinion, however no one seems to agree on just how many channels should be pushed aside, if at all.
    The major concern is the spawns and respawn timers. Also the possibility of WB hoarding, which I'm not certain would happen, but it could.
  • Member DubieDoo
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Post: 1
    This game desperately needs the server merge. Population is its biggest problem, the events are fun and all but having to restart in Alexina just to have people to play with is pretty steep when I have so much time/money put into mari server in the form of pets and loot in game. I mean I can't even get the free horse mount on my new char if I want to make a new char on the same account in alexina server. So im stuck having to buy new pets when i already have 15+ on mari. Plz Nexonnn
  • Member Akirachu
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,560
    Posts: 274
    edited January 9, 2018
  • Member Eureka12
    Mabinogi Rep: 955
    Posts: 27
    edited January 9, 2018
    How about a no. Either make a new character to get on different server, deal with it, or just quit.
  • Member Sola232
    Mabinogi Rep: 540
    Posts: 23
    please no server merge pls
  • Member Nilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    It hasn't even been 3 days since the last topic ended come on.
  • Member Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Nilrem wrote: »
    It hasn't even been 3 days since the last topic ended come on.

    Every Vmod on this topic now must be so annoyed. We need a Heated Threads Pin or something.
  • Member Akirachu
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,560
    Posts: 274
    Eureka12 wrote: »
    How about a no. Either make a new character to get on different server, deal with it, or just quit.

    lol hell no im 13k no way im starting over nexon kr has server transfer and name change nexon na hasnt even try to get us it and b4 you say get 2k card still no
  • Member Arlekiel
    Mabinogi Rep: 325
    Posts: 3
    I completly agree with a server merge.
    I actually think the game needs one urgently.

    Been playing since the Beta on Ruairi... needless to say this is the emptiest that I have seen the server.

    Personally, its annoying when you cant find a party for MA, Shadow missions or even mainstream quests.

    A server merge would help us:
    *Have a better economy, by having more people pitch in. Right now (at least on ruairi), the economy is stagnant and its the first time I do not have to fight for a spot at belvast.. but then again you can be there for a week, reduce the prices of your stuff, and still it wont sell. More people means more chances for buyers to find that X item, means more chances to sell X item, and more competition.

    *More people doing shadow missions, more people doing quests, means a healthy community moving together to get the objectives of the game. Right now on Ruairi its hard to find a party doing MA, and the ones spaming it, is literally a click who wont allow outsiders to join them (thats fine, tho its their choice), but then again the lack of another party is troublesome. Even for dailies is a hassle...

    *The community feeling is being lost on underpopulated servers... Mabinogi IS a community game.. where people chat, do random stuff like mafia, and do stuff together. They need to revamp old systems (like commerce and dungeons), but they also need to merge servers. More people equals greater chance to find new friends or people who is wants to do the same content as you.

    Nexon should find a way to do clean server merge.. in which no one suffers the loss of items, levels or achievements... (correct me if im wrong this is how it happend in korea).

    What I think its not fair.. is people trashing on others because we do not share opinions. Personally, I dont see how a server merge affects people who do not want one.. when you can just jump to an empty channel to have your "clean smooth playing enviroment"...

    Asking people to move or play a different game, is beyond rude and specially unhelpfull seeing that mabinogi is a MMO, if there is "no Massive or Multiplayer" then by all means you are just playing a 1p game, which mabinogi is not... Not to mention that even if you want to play mabinogi as a solo player and do not care about other servers... You need MORE people to play this game.. people to buy service and buy gacha to keep the money going in... and paying for servers.

    This is quickly becoming a game of clics and loosing this community aspect that is deeply needed for Mabinogi to be succesfull.. The more the merrier... and it makes the game fun. Otherwise we are just walking down the road in which server population contines to decline to the point where we are going to see a server shutdown instead of merge.