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When they didn't pop up every other hour.
Final Fantasy in general is fabulous♥
Happy to know you can play it on the phone though x'3 I can't ; ~;
i would also love the physics being brought over.
i think the problem with mabis current graphics is how inconsistent they are.
I agree on it looking like a downgrade as well. My reasoning is that it looks too... "paint bucket" to me.
And the way they run in that mobile version drives me absolutely bonkers.
For sure! I totally get that. It looks like it would be a great mobile game, but its hard for me to imagine the graphics replacing what we have now on PC. Lol
Anddd, "both versions of Mabinogi"? Are you referring to Vindictus, or is there something else I am unaware of?
Oh jeeze, I read your post like 10 times to make sure I was understanding it correctly and I STILL managed to miss "the other one". Yikes, it might be time to log out for the night.
Yea, that one does look really good. Nexon's Legion of Heroes has decent graphics for a mobile game, or did... until I saw the other one you posted.
this picture is bootiful... xD
Now I want spinach.
After reading such an absurd combination of ingredients, I had to google it; it looks tasty.
I want some (/) T ~T)/)
I always regret how little I buy when they have those prices. Not this time!
I love you