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Sweep! Spam the chat box Event
Too bad i won't. Your thread just got merged.
oops wrong chat.
^ I do that too, just when I'm just doing nothing but see google images so that I don't accidentally forget lol
Yes, it does have a time limit and it's really low seeing how you need to "Sweep!" 30 times and you could just forget the game open with the pet summoned.
Same this event is my most hated event now!
This pet's special ability to sweep different items than usual broom pets is....eh. I feel like I would love it more had I been a new player just starting out. I think it cannot be denied that a lot of the items, such as food, phoenix feathers, and pots, would be greatly beneficial for a brand new player.
The items that are beneficial for older players, such as the holy water, shadow crystals, and exploration items, don't seem to be too terribly common. Although I did get the holy water once; it apparently comes in a stack of 5 as opposed to a single 1 (very nice). So that's....that's cool. And some of these food items (the iced drinks) make halfway decent catering without having to buy or make them, which is also nice I guess. But would it be worth it to bring out the pet and spam sweep (when the event is over)? I just don't know. Supposedly a lot of these sweep/fetch pets give better items the more you use the command, and if that is the case perhaps we get better chances of those holy waters/shadow crystals as time goes on (which may just make it worth the spam if you got nothing else to do/are internet surfing while afk).
And I guess it's not like I'm too terribly interested in a lot of the !expiring! items offered in the event shop, besides maybe a pet rebirth pot. Those gold bag holders are interesting, but I can already put my gold bags in another bag, and my main invo is pretty full I don't think I would want to sacrifice space for this bag when I could use the space for a bag that can encompass all items.
I always login, do the sweep thing and logout.
Also i love how you just casually sweep up shoes,hats, gourmet food and robes.
I gotta agree, this is probably the worst event we've ever had, I have exactly one space in my main bag hoping the gold bag will work for it. If it wasn't for that, there's no way I'd be doing this.
I'm assuming it's going to be mabi land because anniversary, mabi land is legit I loved it last time hopefully that's what it is.
>.>.... why would they do that when we have the fiesta island place..T_T kinda seems pointless.
i dont thing they will do something like that ever ever again
unless they update the Fiesta attractions
I want an option to destroy gems as I pick them up.
21 stam 11 dex.
a quick and safe way to get ores.
a quick way?
are you sure about that?
I am so sick of Solea (thanks to Herbalism) and Barri (thanks to the amount of spam runs I did back in the old days). So I do appreciate the fact there's another way to get ores. Whether it's "faster" is debatable though. But it makes me hate myself less; a beach is far more relaxing scenery than a tunnel.