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Dream House!

Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
Posts: 786
edited March 30, 2018 in General Chat
Nexon Announcement: Don't have enough money for service? Win a free dream house!!

*permanent keys*

Me: Oh! I guess because there's a possibility the new homestead stuff may be coming our way, we won't have much use for houses and Nexon wants to do something nice for the remaining time--

*checks date of event*

Me: . . . . . . . . . Heh. Very nice. ALMOST. Almost. I love you all. I wonder what might actually await us....
[Deleted User]
  1. What will await us?66 votes
    1. More Alban Knight silly cutscene/dream sequences
       6% (4 votes)
    2. Miniature houses
       38% (25 votes)
    3. Horses. Lots of horses
       3% (2 votes)
    4. GMs being silly
       18% (12 votes)
    5. A raffle to win Ferghus' house. We get to kick him out.
       23% (15 votes)
    6. Hey! Got any grapes?
       12% (8 votes)


  • lethalviruslethalvirus
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,720
    Posts: 169
    I was gonna vote for a mini house but Aprils fools is coming soon so I'll vote for ferghus house and we get to kick him out
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    edited March 30, 2018
    The way they worded the event thing is extremely confusing..
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    edited March 30, 2018
    it's obviously a trap which is really a shame. It would be cool to have an extra house on your hs property.

    No wait, I got it! You'll actually get that house on hch permanently- then we will get the update which removes hch on april 2nd (but srsly my vote is on 1x1 mini figures)
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    All I have to say is...

    Temporary housing.

  • SollSoll
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,330
    Posts: 145
    I'm calling it, it's going to be cardboard houses
  • Gaby5011Gaby5011
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,965
    Posts: 714
    edited March 30, 2018
    Smells fishy

  • MikitisueMikitisue
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,985
    Posts: 117
    edited March 30, 2018
    Tbh, I feel like we would get a key and not a house LOL..I mean they at least did say a permanent key Q_Q
  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    what if i dont want the ugly rock mansion.... is it random? can i keep the house i have currently? is it a april fools prank? R we getting REAL content, hidden as weak content?
  • SheenaSheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    edited March 30, 2018
    Predictable April's Fool joke is PREDICTABLE
    SherriCrimsọnAlchemistjkoffwithyourheadsRadiant Dawnpawcalypse
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    SherriSheenaRadiant DawnVeylainepawcalypse
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    I saw the word Dream House and immediately jumped to the conclusion that we were getting caught up with KR.
    But... they said permanent keys. Could be in anticipation of an update... or just another mini decoration.
    Since it will be on April first... prepare for either a hit or a miss this Hot Time.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Nexon's idea of a joke is pissing everyone off. XD

  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    Or maybe it's exactly what we think it is, and Nexon knows that we don't feel like we can trust them with getting new content/update, thus the actual prank is making us think that we AREN'T getting caught up when we really are....
    prankception pls.
  • HarukariHarukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,570
    Posts: 836
    Understandable, have a great day.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    I'm saying april's fools not because it's obvious, but because the last time NEXON gave us anything great THIS easily was.

    Well. Before EU server shut down I guess.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    TNinja wrote: »
    I'm saying april's fools not because it's obvious, but because the last time NEXON gave us anything great THIS easily was.

    Well. Before EU server shut down I guess.

    I have 2 things I'd like to add on to this.

    1. I think this April fools joke is a little depressing, in the sense that before I looked at the hot time date I got really excited for something homestead related. I get it, that's the point of the date but... It made me think "wow the only time we can get updates fast is when it's not real".
    2. I just hate april fools in general. It's the one day where I just turn all electronics off, ignore everything and stay inside and read. Most people don't know what a funny prank is. If someone is getting hurt, or something getting lost/broken/stolen it's not a good prank.
    SherriMaiaoffwithyourheadsRadiant Dawn
  • lilblkroselilblkrose
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,215
    Posts: 59
    Mikitisue wrote: »
    Tbh, I feel like we would get a key and not a house LOL..I mean they at least did say a permanent key Q_Q

    I hope it's a key like the Festia Treasure Hunting Mysterious Key because I like the pose it gives you
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    edited March 30, 2018
    It is an April fools joke, but I will just see how it goes.
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    1. I think this April fools joke is a little depressing, in the sense that before I looked at the hot time date I got really excited for something homestead related. I get it, that's the point of the date but... It made me think "wow the only time we can get updates fast is when it's not real".

    The sad truth lol mabinogi's most exciting content is just a lie. Not only that but it's every year they do the same thing. Offer up something amazing to players and then lolnope. Like who's it fun for? For example when we got those fugly wings for free they had timers on them. We could have at least gotten trash wings forever lol
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Well, I am holding hope this is not an April Fools' Joke. Feel free to call me an idiot. :p