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500,000 gold for what exactly?
Am I missing something because the new homestead houses seem kind of pointless.
If you don't like it, don't buy it.
If you already bought it, you should have looked more into it.
I mean, it's convenient, but still weird.
Here's hoping the next portion of the update comes soon. =3
I would prefer more auction house slots rather than a homestead shop at this point.
(Half a mil for 30 days, srsly bruh.)
Well it's not like it's going to be deleted.
its not like 500k is hard to get in this game
You know, that sounds exactly like real life.
Depending on what country you live in.
Over here, you own a house, but the land is not yours. The government owns it. And if they feel like it, they can throw you out. Don't know what happens tot he house, though, but I'd wager the national bank takes care of that.
They never consider playercount when they releaseasing stuff. Otherwise, we wouldn't be complaining about economy and drop rates.