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maybe they don't have time to reply.
This is why i always write "NOTE PRICE" instead or NMP and try to make the item name as short as possible but still understandable.
I understand that completely, and I consider it fair. I just wish that if it were me on the end that's unknowingly making a bad offer, or insanely low one, the seller would let me know. But I suppose that in most cases some general research could prevent that problem to begin with.
I do usually tell people depending on the wording for example if someone is like "I'm not sure what it's worth but I'm offering X" I'll let them know the average price, and the price I'm looking for.
But when I get a note that says "3m" on a 10m item with no context I ignore it.
It all comes down to tone and wording for me. Ignorance is acceptable and honest, arrogance is not.
In general the default position should be understood as no response = offer denied. You should make a higher offer at that point. Nobody is privileged with taking someones time to take it up to a good price, when another person could be making a much better offer, if you want that, then only deal with people you know. I also don't respond if people ask the price of a item instead of making an offer.
In the end like I said its probably more because they don't need to serve you, they probably have 5 or 6 other people messaging them and giving them better offers or at least gave a better starting offer. They don't really have any obligation to let you know their business. You need to take initiative and either try to offer better, make another note asking if its sold, or just not care anymore about them.
The only thing that annoys me when buying or selling is people spamming a lowball even if they are told no. Or even for sellers who insist on something being worth more than what it is worth (Even when you can show them multiple of the same item being sold for less.) But even then, its more on me just to ignore these things. xD
TL/DR No response = offer denied. Ignore it and move on or annoy them with notes. If they just missed it or something they'd get back to you later. Don't feel bad or get angry with it.
People in this game are more rude than any other game I've ever played (and I play CS:GO/RS6:Siege as a point of reference).
It's absolutely enfuriating how people just completely disregard you or don't have the common courtesy to respond in trading even if it's just declining.
Don't even get me started on people who say they will do something and then never do it or respond.
Even CS:GO trading isn't this bad.
Of course it goes beyond trading. I'm pretty sure 80% of people who play this game are just angsty teens/young adults with social awkwardness and lack of courtesy.
Don't get me wrong, I love the game. I just hate half the community.
After being blown off by 60% of trades (even accepted ones) and looking at all the lazy afkers who can't lift a goddamn finger to help someone new, you can't blame me...
You think being ignored in trade is the rudest you've been exposed to? Just yesterday someone in the runescape community exposed an exploit that lures people into the wilderness (full loot pvp zone) AKA scamming. This is what he's greeted with daily now (and outside of game too)
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Being ignored is probably the least rude thing that happens in MMOs.
Holy schnitzel I can't believe this hasn't popped up in /r/2007scape. That's absolutely toxic.
Jagex has a history of getting away with things that shouldn't be legal.
..Thats been going on since the damn thing was out. Luring people into the wild and so on. Its really not shocking.. Over all though, it doesnt matter what game it is- Rude is rude.. It doesnt take much to reply to someone. To be honest ive gotten to the point to where im going to write down who i note(since our notes arent saved.) And just message the person again until i get a reply.. I would rather get told off or rejected on the offers and so on then just left there.
I find doing this would be more rude. It doesn't take much to know that if someone doesn't reply, offer is rejected.
Normally people you note for buying stuff aren't your best friends, and as such are not obligated to talk to you.In general if you felt like someone missed something it's okay in my opinion to note them 2-3 more times, maybe with a bit of a increased offer to show your serious, or just a single new note with a polite reminder of your offer.
quitting the game wont make those people stop, cyber police have been involved with runescape/jagex a fairly decent amount.
Never said they are obligated. But it is annoying, so why not be annoying back. After all for SOME REASON we cant block people from noting (Thank you nexon.) Over all Obligated or not, its rude. Like when someone is picking up an order at a food place, Say pizza. They go in and just say their name while their on a phone call, you ask them a question and half the time you dont get a reply from them.. Has nothing to do with obligation, its just being nice.
this is something the auction definitely fixes! i don't understand why people wouldn't just place their item on the auction,hope item hunting gets less frustrating for you when you don't have the convenience of the item being available on it! personally,i normally don't even bother if the item isn't on the auction anymore
As coalition is a staple practice in any massively-multiplayer game It's a simple fix that works both ways. If a seller isn't forthcoming or even outright manipulative//anti-buyer, all someone has to do is leave review and the people will figure it out.
All matters aside, what you all seem to have is a lack of followthrough in directly messaged notes; The refusal to set aside TXTSPK for clearly worded responses. And also the refusal to set aside the needed freetime and superficial excuses to actually do any trading business. Eg.: in a way that doesn't ruin your own reputation as a continued seller.
A lot of people will not trust a automated feature to gain the best price, as communication between a buyer and seller can usually get you a better result. Also sometimes people may not check auction etc. Also it's very easy when interacting to just either ignore a offer or end discussions of selling the item all together. So it's more convenient to do business. (The seller gets to bring a lot more to the table than what can be given just putting a item up)
On the other hand a lot of buyers may think they can haggle a price down, and in a good amount of cases, they can.
Just my take on why people would prefer to not use auction i guess? Might be way off cuz I don't understand mabi's auction system as I have just returned.
Pfft, if only it was that easy. Where i work.. We have to put up with it. I had to stand there for damn near 10 minutes to try and get a real answer. Then one time when i was waiting behind someone- the worker was asking the person infront of me who was on the phone, about their order, The person then on the phone said "Cant you see im in a call."..