Hello it me.
Here to bring you another semi translated KR Mabi update!
Here is a link to the live broadcast of the special event they held!

I will be referring to the later end of the video where they release the new chapter 7 update and g22 story!
First, i'll touch apon the new system that will be added. It is called the 'trait system'. Some of you have seen this image already:
Each of the tarot-card like images are actually individual traits that we can pick to apply to our character. I'll try to explain this the best i can with my simple korean knowledge.
There are basically two types of traits. A 'Battle Vitality' (left side) and a 'Strong Dealing' trait.
Sorry for the awkward translation

But from that i hope you can tell the difference. One type of trait helps you stay alive, while the other helps you deal more damage!
Now let's go on to each individual trait.
I'll start from the left side of the image and name each trait from left to right! (disclaimer i tried my best to translate, the official translations may differ).
굳건항 의지
A firm will
초월: 생명
Transcendence: life
피해 흡수
Damage Absorbtion
충격 상쇄
Shock cancellation
And the rightside from left to right:
시간 왜곡
Time Distortion
?? no idea..
급소 관통
Vital Spot Penetration
원소 연마
Element Training
연속 공격
Continuous Attack
They don't give an explanation for everything. But they did give video footage as an example for the very first trait i listed, 'A firm will'
If you go to 1:00:40 of the video you'll see! A mage is starting to cast Meteor Strike in the middle of a wave of monsters. (I'm guessing the animation before the mage hits the orb is the trait going into affect?)
The mage gets aggroed, and takes hits constantly by the monsters surrounding them. And even after their hp bar goes to 0, it refills back, and a tiny bar appears above your HP with a number in the middle of it. You don't die while that bar is full (or while there is still enough damage you can take based on that number).
There is another footage right after that showcasing the same trait, a warrior is using FH on ogres that ping, and hit him back in the middle of his attacks, but just as the mage didn't die despite their HP depleting, this warrior does the same. Hope you guys can understand that well enough to understand what the other traits may possibly do
Now here's the actual UI:
You have the option of actually picking MULTIPLE traits, and it's free to decide on which one you actually want to use. This is because, the designers wanted players to be able to pick and choose based on their own play style. The guy explained that this will allow for players to experiment on the different traits, so if you picked a trait and disliked how it work, you can choose a new trait that could work better for you easily!
From the UI, i'm guessing 5 active traits is max though. Just another new system to grind :^)

It was described as an entirely new mainstream storyline, but encompasses all the content from C1~C6.
C7 Synopsis: Erinn's past and present, and the written revelation of the future. With it appears a new and questionable organization, the 'black moon order'(?).
The 'Revelation' is the Apocalypse.

The Formor's old king, Balor's ressurection!
A new generation means new waifus and husbandos:

Piran/Pyran(?), Hymerark Order's Client **Hymerark: The god of freedom, under direct command of the Great Aton Cimeni. He is one of the three second tier gods. Taken from mabi wiki**
Maruade(?), Ruler Eirawen's Bodyguard (O-O)

Vayn/Bane(?), The Wandering Prosecutor **
Cethlenn, The Silver Haired Magician
Continuing on, the requirement to start g22 is to have at least 5k total levels!!

Yes, that's right. 5K Total. Some of you are probably thinking, ' im like ___ away from 5k'. We won't get this update for at least a year imo, and the reason why it's easy to get to 5k in KR now is because they had the memory update earlier last month. If you don't know about it, i made a translation post about it too, here's the link:
Basically mabi kr staff planned all this out, having the memory update come before g22 so that it would help players get to 5k total!
Now for the new missions:

The new mission: Tech Duinn(?)
Starts at 1:08:03 in the video.
This new update allows us to utilize and cultivate the new traits! There are 3 different missions. And each mission has 3 different difficulties.

The new missions look really intimidating, but they said because of the new trait system, it should be doable! This new mission allows for players to try out all the different play types with the new system. It's all testing at this point: Figure out which traits work best for you that will help in this new mission.

Lastly we'll talk about what you can get from these missions.
1) To make your traits strong, you can get a 'bree/bri/buri??'
2) Exclusive Trait Enchants!!
3) Exclusive Trait Armor!!!
That's it for the updates i think. Comment if you found any errors in my translation please!!
and 1 other.
EDIT: they finished translations it is based off balor.
Can't wait for this to appear o .o
I've been hoping we see Balor since We've been getting so much Pre-G1 information over that last year's worth of updates.
Those are two of the few Famous Fomorians in Irish Mythology that haven't appeared in Mabinogi yet. Balor was mentioned in books and Gen-1 Text referring to Pre-G1 events, specially the War where Lugh defeated Balor.
Im gonna put this secntion under spoiler here, since its an Info Dump of who Cethlaenn is... and might actually be spoilers for the generation. Read at your own Risk.
Also folks, Balor and Cethlaenn are both connected to a location known as "Tory Island." The in game location, Tory Ravine, is believed to be named after that location.
I'm so excited for this next chapter
Also that new system involving the cards and different abilities...
Sounds like an interesting thing.
They way they have those % progress bars reminds me of Renown.
The bonuses themselves sound interesting.
And being able to choose multiple ones is cool.
I'm interested in seeing this!
Please use spoiler tag and add "SPOILERS" in title name... >_>
Like "Time Distortion" or something?
Because Meteor Strike's cooldown is pretty long, and it was either that or cut edits.
sorry.. but i did say on the first few lines that i'd be translating the kr update...
Good eye, i think it may be edits to show, but the time distortion trait may also be able to help with CD! Only time will tell
......what did it spoil, exactly? These are all things shown in a trailer to KR public BEFORE RELEASE during a special live event. So what exactly is the SPOILER here? if it's a spoiler for us then it's also a spoiler for the Korean players who went to that event then??? give me a break already!! It' not spoiling jack --
I tried avoiding spoilers, at first OP was only showing a link of a video about trait system with cards or something in there so i was like "that's cool, i just won't play video and will not get too much spoilers for myself", but after few hours OP decided to edit their post and add some NPC portraits without spoiler tags with also very large images of upcoming NPC's which i avoided to see since Iyasenu mentioned that micro-site was updated, i'm even avoiding micro-site now because of that. But i still messed up because i was not expecting that OP will edit their post with such things, R.I.P. Please understand and respect people who like to avoid spoilers and others accept some small hints, but not full on reveals what's about to come.
I guess you just don't like the idea of knowing anything whatsoever on what's upcoming in the game which is fine I guess. You probably should avoid a thread mentioning G22 and chapter 7 if that's the case. Probably should avoid anything with Korea or KR in the title too XD
IMO, you should read at least some of the things i wrote in my post. I said i was translating the update and new generation in the first line. And at the end of my post before my edit with the NPC pictures, i even said i'd edit and add more later. If you do not wish to be spoiled, please just don't click anything with c7/g22/kr in the title.
Hey it's all choice, if you don't want those traits just choose all damage dealing ones.
IIRC that's actually part of g21 part 2, mini reworks to wm/smash/as and I think there's something else idr.
...yeah, how the ^$#$ did Lugh beat this guy? I mean, we took him out 5 generations and, like...15(?!) power ups ago. This is like saying some ancient saiyans who where cast out by the group Frieza destroyed are coming back and are stronger than super saiyan blue evolution...OH WAIT
Also yay, soon all of us will be able to solo phantasm. lol.