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Do ya think Nascent Divinity is weak?
TOKI WO TOMARE!!!!! ZA WORLDO!! WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! At this point I need a giant cosplaying as Dio in my life. It just has to happen.
If you read it's description, it says the following:
While i agree it says you learn harmonize the powers, from what i see, it never states that you actually use them, all it said is that you created a new divinity from harmonizing them but the powers you actually have are of a divine nature, unlike the transformations (powered by the spirits) or the tainted Demigod powered by the lower tier gods (tainted because you are not a pure divine being and not even a resident of Erinn).
Now to expand from what Aquasol said, the trans is called "nascent" which you can also interpret as: "in the process of creation" / "In the process of being born" which means that the trans will get new things added to it, that i'm most certain of because we know that the involvement of the otherworldly gods is not "as present" as before, the fact we can transform shows that there is still contact with them in Erinn and that means that the idea of different dimension gods was not scrapped as far as we know (I personally still hold hope of a different dimension explorable area with us weaker as our Eirinn powers are weaker there just like the otherworldly gods's powers were weaker in Erinn)
To clear up a few things:
1. The divinity gets the bonus of red upgrade crit damage (tested and it's true)
2. The divinity also gets the def, prot, mdef, mprot from what the char has equipped and you can even change weapon slots WHILE transformed to accommodate the situation
3. Soul link can still be used and it boosts the suitability of the trans by a massive margin
4. Any equipment set effects or bonuses still affect the end transformation
5. Just like Demigod, your current title affects the trans (obviously since we have the extra trans time title) which ca expand play styles
6. Shield mastery and shield passive bonuses apply while transformed, so does the armor masteries making the trans able to take a beating from middle game mobs (I for example get hit 1 dmg by Sasquatches and i'm just a mid-game player)
As people pointed out about C7, i don't exactly know the story in any great detail but i can write down what I think is happening and why i think this trans is going to get buffed in C7. (Note that i have no proof of this and is purely speculation on my part based on story and lore)
"After the Milletian and Morrighan leave, Cichol appears, saying he and Nuadha have not seen each other in a long time." - G12 end
"Depending on the choices made throughout Generation 16, Nuadha's appearance in Falias at the end of the credits varies; he seems to be talking to Cichol as Morrighan approaches." - G16 ending
I personally think these 3 are up to something with Nuadha in the middle. Nuadha stole the power of the throne of Falias and is effectively (probably) equivalent to a mid tier god and it's stated that his desire is to overthrow Atom Cimeni and what better way to do so if not with interference of gods from another realm that are not bound by Atom Cimeni's power? hence why I think this whole divinity path is gonna get massive expansions
A bit more information on the lore and gods in general.