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Need some quick advice on skill resetting
I recently started playing again and I really like chain slash skills a lot more now. My character was a Mage/Alch/Bard, but now I'm thinking of resetting my mage skills so that I can get more AP to do Archery + Chain Slash. Do you guys think this is worth it? I'll lose all my rank 1 progress and other skill progress, right? Or do you guys think I should leave those skills alone and just try to grind for more AP? (Currently I've put maybe 1k AP into Chain Slash skills, but none into Archery or any of the DEX life skills and stuff)
Also do you guys think Archery + Chain Slash + Alchemy is a pretty decent combo? I really wanted to do Puppetry but I've heard it's more of a late game kinda thing than anything (like if I master all the DEX and STR stuff to be able to pull off a good Puppet skillset).
Thanks everyone!
Right now, the connous beach event lets you get 50 extra AP a day so it's a great time to build up a lot of AP.
And you also were supposed to get a Rebirth Potion once every weekend so you can get even more AP for leveling up.
Archery + chain is really good if you're an elf. My elf friends rock that combo, but I have a hard time trying to shoot foxes with my human.
And I'm all for resetting, especially if you've been away for enough time to get the returned quest. You get 2 reset caps from that, so might as well use them and try out other skillsets.
I like what you said. But just gonna add that you can reset your skills at Duncan for small amount of gold ANYTIME and AS MUCH AS YOU WANT. Which means that if you regret ranking any Talent and want to concentrate on another one, but you need AP asap, then you can do a reset. But be aware that all your training progress will be reset and you will also become squishy as hell since you will be only gaining/keeping stats from one Talent because of these resets, so i'll recommend choosing to rank at least 2 talents at once (especially Warrior for a start if you are Human/Giant, and Archery if you are Elf) and try to avoid wandering around between Talents too much. Choose your 2-3 favorite talents and master them first before moving on to another ones.
All great advice, and I agree on the Alchemy thing... but I totally don't understand how people have such an issue with bow as a human... I'm a grandmaster archer and grandmaster chain on my human, only now working on warrior, and I live over halfway across the states from Cali and don't have any issues using most range skills and have a crappy computer that gives me a warning every time I start the game. Magnum shot takes patience, yes, and granted, I'm slower and obviously have less damage with one arrow vs two, but it is totally do-able...
Duncan's resets are a godsend, I abused the hell out of them when I was training some CP-dependent skills.Combine with -CP gear and you can train boss-level requirements on raccoons
Also I did not know Duncan can reset my skills for gold. WHOA! I totally thought this was a beginner's only thing! Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention.
Lastly, I just want to do a double check. If I main Chain/Archery and have Magic/Alchemy on the side (I think I'll just use a couple alchemy skills like rain casting and shock mostly), which Magic skills should I mainly use? I think I have to differentiate between using mostly wands/staff, but that's because back then I was maining magic. If I'm only splashing in those skills, which ones should I focus more on?
Thanks again everyone. You've all been a great help!!
1: 50/50 split. Generally wielding a staff in one slot, and a cylinder/guard cylinder in the other, you have access to pretty much all magic and alchemy with this set up. However, some things are hindered, staves cannot chain cast bolts, so you lose out on some options here. Alchemy however, is completely unhindered by the set up and its full potential is completely accessible.
2: 75/25 split. Wielding a staff in one slot, and a wand (Tribolt or a preferred elemental wand) + a guard cylinder in the other. This gives you access to most alchemy skills, but their damage and effectiveness is significantly lowered, however, you have the full potential of magic accessible, including chain cast for bolts (assuming your wand is optimized).
I usually advocate for the 2 damage type set up (melee and magic) since it lets you fall back on something if a specific mob is immune to a certain type of attack. But any set up is fine, above all else, don't worry too much about personal power. Just have fun is the theme.
Thank you! I love lightning rod, I think I'll mainly use that. ^_^
This is perfect, thank you! I just one more quick question for you I hope you don't mind. How do you set up your hotkeys / skills? I often find myself fumbling over my skills and such, or that I press the wrong thing because it's too far out or so, or I don't know which set to change it into because sometimes the shift / ctrl + 1,2,... doesn't work that well for me.
Thanks again!
What's worse is I remember not being able to destroy them or drop them either (although they may have changed that since I used Return quests; it was quite a while ago).
Other reset capsules you get from events appear to be a lot nicer in letting you store them and can be put in the bank (for the most part)
Nobody can really give you an advice on hotkeys, because it depends on your play style. If you stick to two talents then obviously hotkeys would be related to those talents, but if you have extra equip slots or are able to swap weapons on the fly then it's a completely different story.
I just realized my post basically boils down to: do whatever works for you. But yeah, that's pretty much what mabi is all about
A Celtic Guardian Staff enchanted with the Engineer's enchant will also set you up with the cheapest staff to repair at 5k per point repair at 100%.