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You want old? I got old.
Amazing Racer junk from one of the first events. (March 2008)
I have a bunch of April 2008) on all the alts on my account as a theme.
I have not gotten such an email yet, but I am very interested in what the stats say. >:(
This is something you should have been able to check on the main webpage...
Sherri wrote: »
I've been taking a small break from anime lately but one of the last anime I've watched was Overlord S1 and omg it's amazing
I wanna get around to S2/S3 sooner or later
I love them, but you'll have to expect some CGI.
I basically toss out anything that expires, unless it's REALLY useful. Or something I can use at that very moment, like a name color change pot.
Got tired of having stuff expire on me because I forgot to use them. If there was an early warning fe…