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I've added a section on Special Commissions to my opening post! Since the new gacha has the Emerald Golem Chair that I desperately want, I'm... going to be working hard towards that Chair get! But my quest for a Homestead Deck Cafe (either type) con…
More animation stuff 'w');;;; I wanted to test just blinking / blinking + hair animations (but sort of lazily coloured -- I didn't try to keep shading consistent since this was just a simple test).
So... for blinking: I've added it as an add-on…
Put up rough pricing for animations -- I'm only opening one slot and it's... expensive. 'w')b
(Base price 35m for an uncoloured animation, 70m for coloured one -- depending on how complicated the character/animation is.)
Thinking about opening u…
Also considering offering animations for commissions (bust only, and probably only simple stuff) e.g.
(but it'd be... pricey... since it kills me inside to do these. 'A');;;; will have to think about it more)
Added mini-spr…
Chiku wrote: »
Mistreil wrote: »
@Chiku Okay! 'w')b Finished colouring -- let me know if you need any changes \o/!! ♥♥
You finished that so fast!!
He looks adorable, I love it so so much
Imaizumi wrote: »
Mistreil wrote: »
@Imaizumi Okay, done! Let me know if you need any changes 'w')b
AAAHHHH no changes needed at all!! :O She looks STUNNING >< Thank you for letting me get a commission! She really came out gorgeous; my …
@Imaizumi Okay, done! Let me know if you need any changes 'w')b
Chiku wrote: »
IGN: Eikourei (Nao)
Type: Colored bust
Payment: 5m gold
Reference(s): https://imgur.com/a/u40lWzK (Ignore the wings, should've taken them off oops)
Additional De…
Tatsugi wrote: »
Do you have any more references?
Yup! They're below the spoiler below -- I didn't know how many I should post, haha. 'w')9
... and I forgot I didn't post most of these on my twitter/tumblr, aha... eventually.
Imaizumi wrote: »
IGN: Wakasagihime
Server: Alexina
Type: Bust
Payment: 5m
Reference(s): https://i.imgur.com/JfTyKiA.jpg
Additional Details: Since I'm on Alexina, I'll be using the gold transfer service to pay you. I'll pay upfront after bein…