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July 3rd 2020 Update
Hello once again everyone~ Long time no update.. ; v;)/
I just wanted to finally show up and properly address the very long absence/no updates from me and my SquidChip Shop.
I’ve left wonderful people on wait without upda…
Here's my entry ^^
Welcome to my homestead! A place for everyone to relax
I take extra good care of my lovely friends here
And when I cook, I cook for everyone ^^ Although I can't guarantee the taste.
Hello everyone ^^ another important update to the shop is happening!☆
Because of the recent..ish (haha I’m so bad at updating) server merge (and also the advice of pushy♡ and loving friends who have told me I’m underpricing haha) I’ve decided to up…
A: Kirichan101
What made you choose the name when you started?
A: I thought Kirichan would be a cute name to suit her appearance! Unfortunately it was one of those common names that would obviously get chosen. I didn’t want any r…
Sugarco wrote: »
are your commissions open now or are you waiting to finish up your list? ^^ just making sure
Hi Sugarco! Right now my commissions are closed until I finish up that list! ᕦ(>_
Maia wrote: »
too bad I have one of these but it's not tradable. is yours? you might not be able to get one I'm afraid
oh i stand corrected, there is a tradable version... just not mine (saw this on AH)
Oh! Mine are >< I …
Hello after a million years of art block!! I'm so sorry to everyone who has been waiting patiently for, or maybe even forgotten (asdhlkfd) about, this little squid shop 。゚(゚>Д
Bump I guess!
Sorry everyone for the holiday season delays and for neglecting to update here!! Since Christmas has passed I should be able to get some proper work done for you all >< Thank you once again for all the patience and kindness and …