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? Don't people do this for pretty much every generation?
Usually just look up story line quest completion methods on wiki, spam click through dialogues, rush complete every quest and just try to get to the generation completion as soon as possibl…
Wouldn't make gender of the cloth from gacha character bound be a pretty simple solution to tip the scales somewhat..?? Female chars only get female version of items when opening gacha etc.
Also the "eluned" version of clothing allows a ...weird…
Well, nexon can still set alexi as the default selected server for char creation, add a attractive tag of some sort and see what happens in half year or so.
jjeremy wrote: »
I think the only way Nexon can fix this would be to make female clothes uglier.
Giving female clothing higher drop rates would probably work too but that seems unbalanced. Another way to fix it would be to take gold away from fem…
Mabi runs for another 12 years '-'?
Maybe if they figure out an engine upgrade with lots of new content/mechanics and wholesale transfer everything over...
Don't see how mabi engine as is can outlast another 12 years...its like saying US can out…
Oh forgot about the "new:" tag. Yea Alexi had the "new" tag AND was the default server for creating new chars for couple of years. Maybe not 5 but definitely around 4...
Oh think new players also most likely will just go with the default server selection....Liida remembered a while back that the reason Alexi grew so big was because it was defaulted to be the default server selection when creating a new character for…
skills are mostly easy to rank since we now have 2x event for a while as well...and pretty sure there are enough reforged training items + skill pots to go around too, even more so for people willing to dish out for those ace training badges. If pe…
It will depend on how the situation develops...if enough alexina and future population decided to move/start on nao then eventually...alexina will be so small to be by itself...
Well Mari did not only get name change but also appearance change...and age change...and some...other changes....
All the original male leads got wiped though.....
Blissfulkill wrote: »
I never knew the Aurora Borealis was such a polarizing topic. I myself find such wonderful displays of lights via Earth's magnetic poles to be highly attractive, not repulsive.
please come back with more of those when they…