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Wouldn't make gender of the cloth from gacha character bound be a pretty simple solution to tip the scales somewhat..?? Female chars only get female version of items when opening gacha etc.
Also the "eluned" version of clothing allows a ...weird workaround by a giving the option of creating a boy char and dress up as a girl and potentially save alot more money....a logical extension of that is just ...to make all cloths have no gender requirement? That would also help..
Well, nexon can still set alexi as the default selected server for char creation, add a attractive tag of some sort and see what happens in half year or so.
I never knew the Aurora Borealis was such a polarizing topic. I myself find such wonderful displays of lights via Earth's magnetic poles to be highly attractive, not repulsive.
please come back with more of those when they find out its one of the 0.13% drop rate items...