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Dragoolfire wrote: »
Sherri wrote: »
Katherz wrote: »
[*] You can finally change your name if you didn't have a free name change! The Paid Name Change sale is permanently starting.
How much? I don't have hundreds of dollars for this.
tchnko wrote: »
try to random mobs in filia = 0 pages
try in hard shadow misions = 0 pages
give it a try in the cooking dungeon (rank F skill)= in 10min drop 2 pages and can´t pick one of them
i give up with this thing. its a sheme, i want th…
I just think that (almost) everyone handled this thread poorly.
Things didn't need to be said on both sides, and we don't need people harassing each other.
I think it is ok to be upset, and to voice your opinions about it but people in this thre…
Yeah, I saw that two days ago... Almost put a bid on a house.
So glad I saw the Tax first. @____@
Thank you for informing people, I didn't even think to post about it here.
Opalthira wrote: »
The game was advertised on facebook during memento.
I got the mabiland Stage Prop.
Its 1x17 and you can make change from day to night by clicking on it.
Also when you make it night time the stars blink/flicker.
Really ne…
KrissyPootel wrote: »
got a hair dye #AF0024 but i dont see it listed as a reward in this? ummm oh and same with focused red beam swords, elegant afternoon tea table, and some other junk. is it normal to have more items included in these but not l…
Maybe we should try to stay on topic... ^^;
If you want to discuss something other than what this topic is about, make another forum, or join one of the many other similar threads.
I haven't personally gotten anything good from the boxes, wa…