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Lucky to all those who got their names. I have a sealbreaker so I can't ever change mine, and am permanently stuck with +Tarlach, and no amount of pleading with nexon support will change that. Going to find something else to play. Nexon can shove th…
Basic baltane missions will only award experience between levels 60 and 100, after this or prior they will not award experience. Elite will give experience from level 60-150.
These are event items, however the only way to increase the stats is to buy Onyx for the first 25 upgrades (which most people have probably thrown out by now). Once this is done, you get 3 rolls with fine onyx at applying an extra, bonus effect (suc…
It'd be great if some of these items were more easily obtained in game, like, at an NPC or something for gold, It'd remove gold from the economy and considering how important reforges are for end game gear, its a bummer that they're only available v…
I moved to Alexina from Tarlach, have to say, the experience has been extremely positive. Lots more people to do stuff with, and its nice starting over. Only thing I miss are all my pets and the ridiculous amount of items I accumulated on Tarlach, b…
The event at the moment gives a lot of AP - you can trade in 4 vacation coins for a mojito which gives 50 AP. I'd recommend doing that. Make sure you level your exploration level as well - an easy way to do this is to go to port quila and do the 'da…
I would recommend choosing one or two talents tops to work on to begin with. Ideally you want two talents that use the same stats for damage - so str based like warrior/ninja pair well together. Gunslinger uses both str and int, so is usually better…
It depends on how you define strength. Ultimately mabi gives you a lot of choice as to how to play, and lots of different styles on how to achieve what you want. As a general rule, it's better to focus on one talent to begin with, rather than sprea…
If you're worried about a players actions you can always submit a support ticket to Nexon. It helps if you have screenshots or other logs of said suspicious activity however. It may be easier in the first instance to simply avoid the player in quest…