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I think we had a separate sub forum for this in the old forum, but I don't see one around now, so I hope this is the right place. I'll be skipping some of the things that have already been addressed(such as custom avatars coming later, etc), and just go for some of the other issues I've encountered in the brief time we've been online.
*Option to have darker theme that is easier on the eyes than bright white *Should be easier access to the main page of the game site *Quotations of quotes are a bit messy to read and understand. Perhaps boxes to separate the quotes like previously? *Missing the forum header for threads, its hard to navigate through subforums since we no longer have the links of "Forum > subforum > thread name" but instead have to go back to the main menu *Profile menu feels significantly small(may be my personal preference
Anyone else can feel free to tack on other observations.