• PETITION: Remove the BOAT or FIX the blacklist!

    Crimsọn wrote: »
  • Making teleport items an action instead of items

    There's the Fahmes Ruins Hourglass, the Scuabtuinne Compass, the Avon Feather. It would be great if they and any future items like that were relocated to the action menu like Continent (more)
  • Do something about alt-abuse

    Tsumuku wrote: »
    I can't even blame the players
  • Please Remake Ninja

    Ninja talent was made by the Japanese Mabinogi team and Korea liked it so they made it a global skill set. Or at least that's how the story goes. (more)

    I like Ninja but I didn't like the explosive kunai change where they all go off if one goes off. You could fill a room with traps and use the remaining ones strategically. Smokescreen should drop aggro. Fateweaver technique has a targeted aggro drop so that should've been a part of the Ninja Renovation.
    I think the game also needs a class that would benefit from poison type attacks

    The game is supposed to be classless. Also poison exists in the game. It's just that bosses are immune and enchanting poison on a weapon takes way too long. They need to reduce the time it takes like they did with holy water.

    Japanese swords are already in the game but unfortunately all from old gacha and outdated like Sherri said. If you want taijutsu and swordplay, you can just do sword/knuckle. It would be nice if they added a gap closer skill that's not charge, FH, or Arcana exclusive. Giants have stampede and it speeds up clears being able to get around a dungeon room quickly with little down time.

    It would be cool if they added a sword/fighter hybrid weapon. I'm all for more hybrid weapons as long as they're balanced.
  • Ideas to make Transforming non-obsolete

    I have a few ideas.

    There should be vanity titles. That way G2 transformations could be classified as a vanity title, change the title, but keep the stats. Same with PTJ titles. In the (more)