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Last Active
August 12, 1993
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  • Typo in Latest Maintenance Notice

    @Dai_Mata_Rei Actually it can be a huge problem. I remember a couple months ago during the rerelease of the Erinn Beauty Box one of the hairs was mislabeled as M instead of F and someone dropped the hair as a result. They've put the wrong items in lists of gacha and most recently the permanent Music Booster Pack originally said that you got 25 2-hour potions when instead they were 10-minute potions, so the equivalent of 4 2-hour potions. When I submitted a ticket all they did was change it on the announcement without even giving an indication that it was originally wrong. They've made a LOT of mistakes with their posts lately, and it can easily cause mistrust amongst their customers.
  • Winter Screenshot Contest

    IGN: Carlize
    Server: Ruairi
  • Something to remember about Tuning kits


    I've sold black dyes for 2.5m in the past, but that was many months ago when no events or gacha had released the dyes for months on end and there was a severe drought of them. This was also before dye wells were rereleased. I highly doubt hacking had anything to do with the pricing as it would make more sense for people to try to sell low and fast before they get caught or something. And yeah, I can see selling scrolls back in the day but I just think now with it being so easy to transcribe scores using the Bard Bulletin it's become an obsolete market.

    But yeah, as Shouk said it's extremely easy to make gold from numerous avenues. Holy water is a very decent market. Not everything is spamming Shadow Missions, and you definitely don't need friends to gather eggs. And again, events can be lucrative even if you don't do it for hours a day. For example, if you did the candy event every day and happened to pull a Kupa mini gem you could have gotten an easy 15mil from that, most events have items people are more than willing to throw money at. The way I do events is more reliable and time consuming, but not at all necessary to still make a profit. You could even just fish and either sell the Marlin and Admiral Owen Boxes or save up and sell RKA for 5m+. I don't know, I just really can't understand when people say they can't make gold. It's obvious they're not trying very hard if that's the case.
  • Remove Housing Channel

    I completely disagree that housing should be taken away from guilds. With how it is now, the tax and the 10% of the downpayment that you don't get back from bidding on the house goes to the guild that controls the castle. Without that, it'd just be more gold that would completely poof like bank fees do. While it's very problematic when guild leaders are lazy and don't want to put houses up for auction, as long as one guild properly cares then there's enough houses to go around. At least on Ruairi, we realistically don't need more than the 220ish houses that a district has. The lack of housing auctions is actually what made me make a guild on my alt character and control Dugald for multiple cycles in a row now while making enough profit to keep it going each time.

    If anything, make a penalty for guilds who build the castle and then don't have the houses auctioning. Just off the top of my head maybe make it so half the houses must be up for auction or durability of the castle diminishes at twice the rate, something like that. But taking it away from guilds makes it so millions of gold gets wasted and eaten by the game instead of actually going somewhere where it could benefit.
  • Something to remember about Tuning kits

    Tayloreski said:

    I do call them cheap, Ive lowered things down more then what others do, Not just because the item isnt selling but simply because, thats to much. If im not willing to pay that much for the said item, why would someone else?. Like Music scrolls for example, The scroll itself is 30 gold, simple. People will make music on them and sell them for 10k. Ive seen them even go up to 50k when they are just a standard scroll :O and the black dye, its almost 3m now when it used to be 900k. In the end though it doesnt matter, this is my opinion and im just saying it because again, its just my opinion.


    What you consider too much for an item may greatly differ from what someone else considers too much. There are some people who feel comfortable when they have 3mil in their bank, and some who aren't comfortable unless they have 30mil in the bank. People view the market very differently compared to how easily they can make money. Just from the first mission point event I made over 100mil just selling the Knitwears. Between events, selling dyes, and running shadow missions it's extremely easy to make gold if you make any effort. And this is coming from someone who crashed every time I entered a shadow mission for the first 10 months of me returning to Mabi. If you're smart with events you can make a killing. I made 15mil just selling over 1000 cheap silk that I had hoarded from training weaving and keeping the "fails" from past events.

    Also as someone from your server who watches the market constantly over the past year and a half, I've only seen music scores sold maybe half a dozen times. And most of the time, they were being sold by *you*. But that was months ago. Now with the new bard bulletin, it's completely obsolete and honestly feels skeevy to sell music. It may be hard to get r1 composing, but we have a huge discord group that has a bard request option where people would be happy to compose songs for people if asked.

    I also have no idea where you're getting that black dyes go for 3m. They've been in shops for 1.4m for weeks, and I've personally had them in housing for 1.4m as well. They sell maybe every 3 days at that price. The last time they were reliably 900k was the 2015 Treasure Hunter Event from what I can remember. There's your opinion, and there's being factually incorrect.