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Since we already have a bunch of other vehicle-based pets in the game, (food truck, scooter, magic carpet, broom, race car), I thought that a large toy train pet would be a good idea (only thought of it after the Toy Train of Memories chair became a thing in the Dragon Master Event) and I know that I'd love to have one of my own. I can see it as a possibility since it has nothing to do with any kind of anime crossover, thus making it more likely to happen. I hope I'm not the only one that wants this to happen/exist
I don't know if it's just me or not, but I'd really like to have this event return. For obvious reasons.. to make even more fixed dye daily (and hate having to buy certain colors of dye for 1+ mil each time, due to the lack of (ex. 'pure' white and black dye) specific dye colors going around.)