Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Last Active
February 18, 1993
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"Lily the white skinned ghostie, had a very shiny complexion, and if you ever saw it, you'd have retina damage" cit. Totono
  • Who is your best guy in Mabinogi?

    Greta wrote: »
    I'm surprised no one mentioned Altam yet. Where are his fangirls? :p


    I never actually cared much of the NPCs even though I always did all the Generations and side quests, getting their background story and all. Not until Alban Knights! It was actually the first time devcat put a real NPC that didn't put aside any other achievement the previous Generations made me do but actually was pretty excited about it. Everytime it bothered me that NPCs I talked to before and got to see what I did in that Generation, suddenly forgot everything about it and started saying non-senses like "But are you sure you can do that?" or "It's not like I don't trust your skills, but you seem to not see how dangerous it is!". Not Altam. He was so happy and so sure about my skills that never ever doubted me! I ended up imagining a fanfic about me and him, using the 2 generations he was in as story...


  • New Event Again

    Opalthira wrote: »
    Clicked get stamp after 30mins.
    it warned me to wait another 30 mins for a "better reward".
    click get stamp anyway it gave me 10 points and nothing else.
    So yeah you probably only get 20 points per day.
    Which makes sense cause you get almost 30 days to do this.

    It didn't warn me, so now I have 5 points as the event description doesn't actually say "wait 0-30-60 minutes before hitting the get stamp to gain more points" but just

    Log in each day on any character to collect stamps for your attendance sheet.
    The longer you remain logged in, the more points you will receive. Look below to see how long you have to stay logged in for the most points!

    0-29 mins: 5 points
    30-59 mins: 10 points
    60+ mins: 20 points

    No info about whether you needed to wait those minutes or not, it's really confusing. Obviously now I know I need to wait a whole hour before hitting that get stamp button, if only the description was more accurate
  • Pyonko's Chibi Freebies

    Pyonchi wrote: »

    Your character is so pretty :D

    Awwww she's so cute and has this meme vibe that I can't shake off that makes it all better! Thanks a lot <3
  • Drawings for you!

    peachykit wrote: »
    For Nekolily

    And yes, I came back for drawings! So many cute chars.. I cant even QxQ!

    Oh gosh I totally missed this one! SHE'S SO CUUUUTEEEE like she's trying to find a way to eat that tasty cake in front of her but she's too shy to just jump on it in front of everyone, but the gluttony... oh the gluttony. Anyway thank you sooooo much for drawing her! This is a wonderful piece to add to the fanarts I have of her <3
  • Ruairi is pronounced Rory

    Is a Goidelic (Irish or Scottish Gaelic) masculine given name. It translates as “red king”. Its Gaelic pronunciation is 'roo-ree' or 'roo-ah-ree', with emphasis on the first syllable. In English, it is typically pronounced as Rory or Roo-ray.

    So I'll go for the 'roo-ah-ree' (/Ru-Ai-Ri?).