Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Giving Nao a Gift is Too Clunky!

    Helsa wrote: »
    You can only give dresses to Nao if you've purchased elevated services. But it hardly gives you any advantage. All it does it has Nao wear something else if you ask her to revive you, that's it! So why not just roll this into the rebirth dialogue instead, or on top of, the birthday dialogue.

    It may not give any advantages, but if I wanted to treat myself to VIP later on in the future, being able to swap Nao's outfit like she's a glorified Anime Barbie is something I want to be well set up to do. If it normally costs money to even have the ability to give her any of the dresses, then the mechanics involved should be much more user-friendly. I mean, I've got free VIP until Thursday after maintenance, but if this was something I was paying for...yeah, that level of clunky implementation is not acceptable for something that people are expected to pay to be able to do.

    I did find another alt that has his B-Day tomorrow and set him up with the dresses to turn in...but players encountering this mechanic for the first time, especially if they paid good money for VIP and were actually looking forward to playing pretty princess dress-up with Nao, should not have to bump around cluelessly like that trying to get it to work. A simple cosmetic feature should not be this clumsy and finicky to use.
  • Giving Nao a Gift is Too Clunky!

    Alright, so I waited for the one week of free premium to unload those dresses from the recent event on Nao. I kept them off-hand because I need my inventory space and I don't have much of it. Well, I get to a character's B-Day, I get the birthday prompt. I click on it, get my present, but I don't have any of the dresses on me. "O.K.," I think, "I'll go back into the world, grab the dresses from storage, and pop in to give Nao the dresses."

    Nope. One shot per character. So, since I have an alt with the same B-Day, I pop the dresses back in storage on a couple of pets, log into the next character. I get the prompt, hit "Cancel" to save it for later so I can get the dresses first...and then there's no option to bring it back up again once I have the dresses!! I log out of the character and log back in. Nope. It doesn't come back. WTH?!

    In a game where inventory space is at a premium and you know players will put unnecessary items away until they need them, why is there a mechanic like this?! Players should have a button in the Character menu if they've got VIP service to go see Nao if they initially decline the invitation. It shouldn't be a one shot or you're SOL, so you have to remember to prep it the day before just before you log out kind of thing...especially if it's a feature that you expect people to pay for.

    IGN: Akxsel

    Server: Nao
  • A beginning newb magician request

    One thing you can do to make the quest easier is to farm adventure seals to buy exploration journal pages from the seal merchant. Several adventure seal quests are very newbie-friendly, including:

    1. Weiss at Shyllien Nature Reserve gives you a daily Magic Craft part-time job. You'll be tasked with making one of three low-level magic craft items. Not only is it easy to get the Magic Craft skill (just click on the cauldron near Weiss and, boom), but this will also allow you to level Magic Craft a bit, which adds to your Intelligence stat.

    2. Hector at Hillwen Mine gives you a daily Hillwen Engineering part-time job. Just like with Weiss, you are tasked with making one of three low-level items. Clicking on the work bench automatically gives you the skill you need, and leveling Hillwen Engineering also helps build your intelligence stat.

    3. Gordon at Emain Macha gives you a daily cooking quest. Basically, just cook any food at 3-star quality or higher for him. The easiest food for this quest is Baked Potato because making a 4 or 5-star baked potato is basically a piece of cake. Just build up Cooking to rank F, buy a pot and ladle at the general store, dig up some potatoes (it's good to stockpile a stack of 5-10 for this), buy some salt or pepper, and you're good to go. When cooking your potato, add potato up to the end of the last "d" in the word "add" on the final "add" button on the cooking window, then fill the rest of the bar with either salt or pepper, and you're basically guaranteed a baked potato with a high enough star ranking to finish the quest.

    4. Macaulay in Emain Macha gives a daily part-time job that involves the Handicraft skill. Just buy a Handicraft kit at the general store and learn the skill by reading the book "The World of Handicrafts", which you can get from the bookshop in Dunbarton for just 1000 gold. You need to have the skill learned and a handicraft kit to do the job, but it's really easy. (Pro tip: The Handicraft skill is actually very good for making easy early-game money. Just have the skill, the kit, and a gathering axe. Then, chop a bunch of firewood from some trees and make rolling pins. Rolling Pins sell for 256 gold each at any NPC shop, so that's basically free money right there! Plus, you build a skill that adds to your Dexterity stat too!)

    5. Manolin at Port Cobh gives you a fetch quest for a Striped Marlin. You can fish one up right on the pier in town, or buy one from another player in the auction tab. Either way, it's a pretty easy quest. Plus, the Fishing skill gives you Will, Dexterity, Strength, and Stamina when you level it, so it's not a bad idea to do a little here and there. My big tip is to aim to keep the fish's nose as close to the center of the red box as possible to ensure a catch. Manolin also gives you a shark as a reward along with the adventure seal. Open the shark up and you have a chance to get either food waste or a wood board. Hang on to the wood boards, because they're used for one of the quests to rank your Campfire skill, plus they sell for a lot on the auction board too.

    6. Madoc at Port Cobh gives you a fetch quest for five Large Nails. Easiest way to get these is to go around punching signs.

    7. Dr. Lambert at the big ruins in the Rano Desert gives you a quest to go fetch a whole bunch of stuff for him from three different NPC's. I recommend doing this one last, because it requires you to hop continents a couple of times.

    So, you can easily get 7 Adventure Seals a day on a low-level character just doing those quests. The Journal Pages are sold by the Seal Merchant on Tuesdays. Pages 1, 2, and 5 cost 5 seals each, and Pages 3 and 4 cost 30 seals each. So, if you did all of the seal quests listed above every day, you could easily buy both of the more expensive pages after two weeks and still have enough seals left over to buy two of the cheaper ones. Good luck on your quest to master magic!
  • Culinary artist + cooking expansion content

    YangKoete wrote: »
    I'd rather have hunger be more meaningful first.

    Not have it restore upon each level up, for one.

    Hunger should tick down as a percentage of your character's total Stamina instead of at a fixed rate of 1 point per 100 seconds and when your fullness is really low, it should give the player a debuff that reduces their Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Will by 25% until they eat something really filling. That way, eating is more relevant for higher-level players, especially those who pride themselves on their DPS. Right now, if your Stamina is really high, it takes forever for your character to get hungry, and getting hungry doesn't really pose that much of a threat for lower-level characters either because of how quickly you can level up from quests and dungeons. The increased Stamina usage and hit to max Stamina just aren't enough on their own to make people worried about Hunger...
  • VIP/Premium Update

    With this going on partially during my fall break this year, I'm kind of happy about it...but I also have a lot of work to do on my independent study project, so I still won't have too much time to play. The biggest thing to me, though, is the free style tab access...though, really, I think it's about time to just make the style tab free for all players anyhow, since locking something like that behind a paywall is sooooo early 2000's...