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Just an ordinary person living an ordinary little life in an ordinary manner...
Naturally the one time I was hoping they would leave the event board and other things behind after the event is when they actually delete them. I'm actually really annoyed since I don't have much time to play again and had 600+ spins left.
Get the feeling I should just take another few months off again.
But they openly said on the maintenance notice that they were going to be removed. It's not Nexon's fault that you didn't get your spins in. They gave an extra WEEK. Actually, it was supposed to end on the 6th, so in reality, they gave us an extra two weeks on LICENSED CONTENT.
I rarely have time to even read those event notices and I still have a lot of event coins, boards and other items including licensed content in my inventory. Doesn't matter that they extended, the fact remains that people still have Miku boards among other licensed event content to this day.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that they are now doing this for inventory clean up. I just had to vent.
Memories, uniqueness and it's literally the only game that can hold my attention for hours on end. None of the other MMOs, MOBAs or BRs can keep me entertained with or without companions present. /(˃ᆺ˂)\
Prob the easiest one so far from the event.
-You search for 4 Witch Cultist that spawn in pairs. You must kill the first pair for the second pair to spawn.
-First pair seem to always spawn on the top half of the area in the map above.
-Normal attack will hit 1.
-Press/hold CTRL will help reveal if close enough.
-Smash sword bleed effect will kill.
Try holding down alt too. You can spot the cultists through walls/buildings. Lullaby + anything works pretty good too, and doesn't have the long cooldown of dance of death. Though you can also use encore to knock the cooldown off dance of death every couple minutes too.