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The only place I was able to glitch through on my own was in Dunby, I ended up being right next too the bank NPC behind his counter, it was an accident but I ended up having fun with it, and even have video proof. xD
Cut open and strain 6-8 passion fruit of its juice in a bowl. In another bowl, put the remaining flesh and seeds after each strain. Mix about 2 cups of hot water in the bowl with the seeds and mix well and then strain again into your juice bowl a ladle at a time. Repeat with an additional cup of cold water. You may discard the seeds when done (or if you want to keep them for planting, dry and store away, if you've used cold water for entire process).
In your juice bowl add about 3 cups of water, taste to see how it is, it could be very sour you can add some more water if needed. Pour in honey, stir and mix well and adjust amount of honey to taste until preferred.