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I'm looking for someone who can turn a specific song for me INTO MML, solo, for Lyre(or Piano) adding the voice in when you use Fantastic Chorus.
I'd like the full version if possible. Thank you to whoever does this for me♥
If anyone else have a song they need done, turned into MML then just comment the following:
Fantastic Chorus added or no:
Full Version or no:
Solo, chorus, or freestyle:
I'll watch that a bit later, i'm currently listening too music while drawing Pokemon.
I finished drawing Zangoose and Elekid.
I'm currently working on Magmar
after Magmar, i'll be working on the following: Victoreebell, Dragonite, Feraligatr, Alakazam, and Blastoise.
Finished: Zangoose, Elekid, Magmar, Victoreebel, Dragonite.
going too try working on: Feraligatr, Alakazam, and Blastoise.
When I'm done with them all, i'll upload them to my deviant art.
I used images from google and tried to do a "copy" just by looking at them.
I do plan on video taping everything when I start doing either Alakazam or Blastoise, some of the easier drawings of pokemon that i did was Elekid and Victoreebel, too easy to the point they're basically spot on with images, the only difference is I shaded them way too much, so I plan on video taping in case people assume I traced.
My art style is more cartoony than anything which is why stuff like pokemon or mickey mouse is something I'm typically spot on with.
Here's Elekid, Victreebel, Zangoose, Magmar, and Dragonite.
I was in the middle of making wheat and barley fields and I hear pop pop pop across the street. My first thought was firecrackers or fireworks as it is common here, but minutes later sirens blare and police cars roar down the streets and set a perimeter, even a FBI vehicle.
Then a chopper. Well these times of turmoil just get closer to home.
Ugh... I'm sorry...
Yeah, sorry too hear that.
I'm about to upload my pokemon drawings to my deviant art, then upload them in this section or in "last post wins" of the ones i finished so far.
Not sure how i should pose Alakazam when I start drawing him.