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heh this was suspected for a long time and this is probably just tip of an iceberg of BS that Nexon does behind the scenes to squeeze out every dollar that's why I prefer the subscription model for MMORPGs you get a much better game design that way with less invented inconveniences that have paid solution in the cash shop
Whether or not these things are true... how do they affect your game play? It's not as though you're being forced to begin as Chain Slasher, and until you're a total level of 1000 you can rebirth (change your talent) every single day. ~ I don't see the emergency here.
You think from perspective of long time player that knows the game well , now try to put yourself in mind-frame of completely new player that has no idea about this game.How he or she will feel about Mabinogi if they start playing this game with such "advanced" class? the first impression they will get will be bad and as result they will end up dropping the game most likely